Senior School have had a busy and productive end to Term 1. Thank you to all our Year 12  families who have taken the time to meet with the Leadership team thus far this term to discuss their child’s learning, it is great to see so many of our students engaged in their learning and working towards their goals. Over the past few weeks students have attended two Elevate Education (study skills & time management) sessions and have used these skills to assist in leading their own student led study program. Our students have also had the opportunity to give teacher feedback through online surveys. Whilst it is important that our VCE students consciously organise their time to reflect and revise on their learning in term 1, it is also equally important that they look after their physical and mental wellbeing. This week our senior students were given a ‘study guide’ for Term 1 holidays, which guided students on how to structure their own personalised study time table,  implement effectively study strategies, whilst also prioritising their wellbeing.  One area in which was highlighted with students was the different between homework and study, and how being active and successful learners includes managing their own personal study program outside of the classroom. Next term all Senior Pathways students will be undertaking mid-year practice exams for each of their subjects, therefore it is important that students are undertaking a regular and consistent study routine so they’re prepared and able to make the most out of the learning experience.




Year 11 and 12 students had two Elevate sessions in the past couple of weeks. The presentations were informative and engaging – the students participated in the sessions really well and learnt a lot of helpful tips on how to organise their learning to maximise their results.

We would really encourage parents to have a discussion with your child about the sessions and how they could apply the advice to

Some of the tips are:

LEARN – basic level

MASTER – practice level

CREATE – difference between an average and excellent performance – that’s what the best performing students do – how can you make your work different from others.

  1. Use your study designs
  2. Take notes during term

Weeks before the exam/SAC

Three weeks before

Two weeks left

One week left

Finish Notes

Memorise Notes

Practice Papers Only

  • Use folder and lose leaf paper – to aid memory.
  • Make notes only once.
  • Ordered notes improve memory.
  • Make notes in dot points and/or concept maps.
  • Write as little as possible – key words/trigger words, rather than sentences or phrases.
  • Pay attention to space and colour

      3.  Use a system of review:

  • Take notes
  • Review immediately
  • Review 24 hours later
  • Review monthly

     4.  Practice Papers:

  • Final week – practice papers only
  • 3 papers per subject
  • Do them open book/open time
  • Final papers – under exam conditions
  • Get marked by the teacher

     5.   Stand Out


     Extra Reading

  • Cover core content as you go
  • Check your Study Design
  • Check past papers
  • Look for: more in-depths facts and counter arguments.



Our Fundraising Partner Ritchies IGA, are launching their new Ritchies Card, incorporating the Community Benefit Program and this will not only benefit Mount Eliza Secondary College, but also all Ritchies members. 

The program now has an App for both IOS and Android smart devices.  For those members who don’t have a smart phone, or would like a physical card, this option is also available and can be linked to the App. Every month, Mount Eliza Secondary College will receive 0.5%* of our members’ spend in Ritchies Stores PLUS members will receive special offers and member only specials via the App.

*T&C’s apply see 

Featuring monthly promotions, cheaper prices for you, Collect and Win, as well as games and lots more fun things to do, this is a great opportunity to support the College.