Primary Campus Awards

End of Term Assembly
Award Winners
Learner of the Term
Prep A - Arjun B - For making a great effort to always try his best and complete work to a high standard in all learning areas.
Prep B - Olivia S - For making a great effort to always be a positive role model for her peers by consistently making positive choices in both learning and general classroom expectations.
Prep C - Diya S - For making a great effort to listen attentively and improve with her knowledge of her letters and sounds.
Citizenship Award for each Value
Learning - Edith T
Respect - Jasmine B
Teamwork - Hashim R
Leadership - Imogen G
Learner of the Term
1A - Pranadh R - For making a great effort in always putting in 100% effort and trying his very best to produce work to a high standard.
1B - Katelyn B - For making a great effort always showing a positive attitude to learning and making great behaviour choices.
Citizenship Award for each Value
Learning - Aleks P
Respect - Ajay T
Teamwork - Swapnil A
Leadership - Sienna C
Learner of the Term
2A - Aviraj K - For making a great effort to consistently show the school values and being a positive role model for his peers.
2B - Joben C - For making a great effort to display the school values and help others to achieve success.
2C - Garv G - For making a great effort to be a positive Year 2 leader by always contributing to a productive classroom environment.
Citizenship Award for each Value
Leadership - Harry A
Respect - Isaac P
Teamwork - Jessica S
Learning - Marley F
Learner of the term
3A – Shruthi K - For making a great effort in all areas of the curriculum by completing her work with care and detail.
3B – Ethen S - For making a great effort in maths by completing set tasks to a very good standard and with a good understanding.
3C – Sienna T - For making a great effort by taking pride in her work and completing it to a high standard.
Citizenship Award for each Value
Learning – Roy K
Respect – Zviko N
Teamwork – Tri Thanh L
Leadership – Kara T
Learner of the term
4A - Alexia P - For making a great effort to improve and become more confident in her maths strategies.
4B - Ramneet P - For making a great effort to complete all of her learning tasks thoughtfully and to a high standard.
4C - Neha P - For making a great effort to go above and beyond in completing her own learning at home using the strategies we have learnt at home.
Citizenship Award for each Value
Learning - Bertrand N
Respect - Hanan D
Teamwork - Milly R
Leadership - Ethan Z
Learner of the term
5A – Harshu K - For making a great effort and completing all tasks to a high standard.
5B – Tanya S - For making a great effort to eagerly work towards black belt for Reading Karate.
5C - Adrian I - For making a great effort during class discussion by adding his carefully thought out ideas and opinions.
Citizenship Award for each Value
Learning – Leo L
Respect - Pauli M
Teamwork - Bonnie N
Leadership - Hayley B
Learner of the term
6A – Jacob A M – For making a great effort to show commitment to his learning and being a positive role model to others.
6B – Isaac T – For making a great effort to build on his writing skills to write a character analysis in response to the film Inside Out.
6C - Gabby R - For making a great effort to consistently be a great role model for her peers, by always having a positive attitude towards her learning.
Citizenship Award for each Value
Learning – Addison B
Respect - Jaden K
Teamwork - Krisha R
Leadership - Virat K