Students of the Week

The following students will receive their certificates assemblies on the following dates:

Friday 23rd April  

Memphis C (PB) - For always rising to the challenges that are set for him. Memphis has a true love of learning and his passion to excel is wonderful to see.

Kiye L (12B) - For settling back into school for Term 2 so well, and trying your Personal Best in our classroom this week. Well done Kiye!

Vasilis K (12C) - For always practicing Personal Best values towards his learning and willing to help peers. Vasilis has been a wonderful class mate and settled in really well from our break. Awesome stuff Vasilis

Thomas S (34A) - For showing great Attentive Listening during Inquiry. Thomas was able to participate in discussions and made connections between what he had learned and his prior knowledge. 

Jackson P (34B) - For doing his Personal Best during our 'Just Kidding' class quiz. Jackson was able to find relevant articles using the text features in the magazines, and scan the text to locate the answers quickly. Great work Jackson!

Sam N (34C) - For your amazing description of the helicopter in your narrative. I could paint a picture in my head from your description! Keep up the fantastic writing!

 Jake (56A) - For making a great start to Term 2. We have loved having you in our class and hearing your great ideas about our Inquiry topic. keep up the great work!

Kian M (56B) - For your amazing work you have been doing in reading. It's great to see you striving towards your goals by making deep and thoughtful predictions.


Friday 30th April

Lacy I (12B) - For being a Superstar in our class this week, you  have listened attentively and tried your Personal Best. Keep it up, Lacy!

Linkin E(12C) - For showing Personal Best attitudes towards his learning. Linkin has demonstrated wonderful Mutual Respect and Appreciation Tribes values towards peers and teachers. Amazing work Linkin!

Lenka W (34A) - For being a fantastic role model and peer in 3/4A. Lenka always shows Attentive Listening, does her Personal Best in all tasks and is always keen to extend her learning. Keep up the great attitude, Lenka! 

Violet (34C) -  For having a great start to the term. She is working so well in the classroom and doing her personal best to stay focused on tasks until they are completed!

Chelsea (56A) - For contributing many great ideas to our class discussions this term. It's great to see your hand up lots and hearing all your thoughts. Keep up the great learning!

Summer W (56B) - For your incredible attitude towards school. You have made a great start to the Term and try your Personal Best in every lesson.