Middle Years
YEAR 7 KIOSC – Internet of Things
On the 20th of April, 2021, 7A, 7B and 7D attended KIOSK in Swinburne University. First up, we did an introduction talking about Emergency technology, Robots, how technology can further our health and wellbeing.
In our first activity, we played Spereheroes and programmed them to go through a maze into the hospital. Sphereheroes are little spheres that roll around on the floor when you turn them on. This session was really fun, especially when we got the path right and the Spherehero didn’t hit any objects.
After, we then had recess and started our second activity. We did Virtual Reality to defuse a bomb. Someone was explaining the instructions clearly while the other person defused the bomb. We had lunch then continued onto the last activity.
In the last activity we were learning about emergency technology and how warnings about natural disasters get out to the public. We programmed a micro bit to see when any sudden shakes in the ground happen to see if there was an earthquake. To conclude our day, we talked about what we did for the day and what we learnt. Overall, it was a fun day, filled with lots of learning.
Ella Wallis-Carnie. 7A