Principal Team Editorial 


I would like to share with you a conversation I had with one of our neighbours:


This morning (Friday) I met with an elderly neighbour and former parent who lives on Amesbury Ave, the road at the bottom of the school. He has lived at this location since 1977, when our school was a mixture of bushland and orchard. An ex-Navy man with a fascinating life story, his family settled into to the area and his 2 sons grew up in the area and attended Regency Park PS and Wantirna College during the 1990s. They are both now well into adulthood, with their own families and fulfil important roles in the defence forces.


The reason he wanted to meet with me today was to discuss his concerns about bike riders to and from school on that particular street. He understands young people well and wasn’t complaining, but he worries about himself and his elderly neighbours and friends being hit by a bike at speed being ridden on the footpath. The reality is, that if he was hit by a bike rider, at his age, a collision could be fatal. He understands that traffic can be pretty hectic on Amesbury Ave and appreciates why some students (and parents) might prefer that bikes are ridden on the footpath, but he knows the reality and the significant risk for pedestrians like him.


Therefore, for those who ride their bike on Amesbury Ave or anywhere else for that matter, especially to and from school, please take care. It is generally illegal to ride on the footpath so please be mindful of that in future. I encourage students to be alert and safe when riding and look after people like our neighbour who want you to take more care. I encourage parents of bike riders to have a conversation with them about some of the risks and potential consequences that cause many like our friendly elderly neighbour significant concern.


Further, a number of times this year I have had reports about students on their phones or with headphones in, being distracted when crossing the road. We have communicated these concerns and I would again remind all students to take great care and cross at the right place (crossing) and not wander out on the road whilst looking at your phone!


We need to do everything we can as a community to avoid a tragic outcome that could result in serious injury or worse.


Kevin Murphy
