Specialist News 

Jump Off for the Heart Foundation

Tuesday morning started with a healthy active start with our 'Jump Off’ day to celebrate the end of our skipping/jumping learning in F-2. A team of student leaders crafted five jumping/skipping activities for our students to enjoy. This involved sack races, skip a hops, space hoppers, hurdles, long rope skipping, hula hoop skipping and much more! This program was designed to demonstrate how important moving our bodies is for keeping our hearts strong and healthy. A powerful message to start the year with a simple skipping rope. Students who raised money have amazingly reached $1867 which is a magnificent contribution to the Heart Foundation. I will be in touch regarding with the Heart Foundation regarding the next steps. In the meantime, well done and thank you for supporting. Let's continue to spread the message: that the more we move our bodies, the happier and healthier we are. 

Grade 5/6 Summer Sports Round Robin

Our Year 5/6 students headed to four different locations on a four-seasons-in-one typical Melbourne day to take place in the Balaclava District Round Robins in softball, hockey, cricket and basketball. All of our students were praised by other schools for their excellent sportsmanship demonstration and in their true ripper style in giving it all they had. Across the sports there were some wins, some draws and some losses, but that never stopped our resilience and growth mindset. A team that came out on top was the softball team and they will head to the Division competition in Term 4. 

Rebel Sports

It was a pleasant surprise for us to receive a phone call from Rebel Sports, Prahran to inform us of a store credit due to purchases of our registered members. This was certainly news to me, but what I have now understood is that for every purchase made, the school gets a store credit worth 5%. All you have to do is sign up to be a member (free of charge) and link your card to Ripponlea Primary School. Then every time you make a purchase, scan the card and 5% is transferred to our account. With the total that was on our account I have been able to bring back to school new soccer balls, a ball bag, carnie balls and some boxing equipment and back yard games. So please get shopping and scanning your Rebel Sports card so we can top up our supplies! 

Ride2School Day

Ride2School Day is a national campaign to promote active travel. Not only is this a sustainable way to come to school, but physical activity in the morning is found to increase concentration, make us feel happy, strengthen our relationships and increase our bone strength. We had so many students jump on this campaign and our bike cage was overflowing! A huge hit was the skateboarding opportunities at recess and lunch. We had a raffle prize draw for bike related prizes in assembly last week which were kindly donated by Giant, Ormond – a great local bike shop if you’re in need of any purchases. Why shouldn’t we do this everyday? Certainly life has its challenges and can restrict us to do this, but why not try and make it a weekly mission?


Miss Jo



Ciao a tutti! 


It's been a wonderful start to the year teaching LOTE and building relationships with the students.  We have enjoyed beginning classes with conversation then engaging in various activities. The students have begun learning about Italian culture including cities, landmarks, food, sport and the language. 


This term we have been focusing on:


Foundation- using simple greetings (Ciao! Buongiorno! Arrivederci!), How are you? (Come stai?) and introducing themselves (Come ti chiami? Mi chiamo…). They have been introduced to the Italian alphabet and practising numbers one-ten. They have also been learning about family members (madre, padre, sorella, fratello) and the days of the week.


Year 1/2- introducing themselves (Come stai? Come ti chiami? Mi chiamo...e tu? Quanti anni hai? Ho sette anni, e tu?) Using possession such as: la mia mamma, il mio papa and naming family members. They have been revising the Italian alphabet and learning numbers one-twenty. 


Year 3/4- choosing appropriate formal and informal language for greetings, farewells and good wishes (Ciao Anna/Buongiorno Signora) and when to use greetings (Buongiorno/Buon Pomeriggio/Buonasera/Buonanotte). They have also been learning about adjectives to describe themselves. 


Year 5/6- identifying various forms of sport, verbs related to the sport and explaining why they play/do that sport using an adjective.  They have also looked at similarities and differences between Italian and Australian culture.


Many of the students have requested I share with you an interactive site that we have been exploring in class https://www.learn-italian.net/italiantopics as they are keen to have a go at home. 


Wishing you all a BUONA PASQUA and happy holidays! Take care. 

Signora Merlino