Junior School

Orchestra Victoria & National Simultaneous Storytime

Last week was full of extra fun activities for our Junior School students. Mr Philpot organised for Orchestra Victoria to perform for us. They provided the music to the narration of a book called Little Puggle’s Song. It is a heart-warming story about a young echidna, Puggle, who wants to join the bush choir, however every time he tries to sing nothing comes out! Set to the sounds of woodwind, string and percussion instruments, the book’s author, Vikki Conley provided the narration. It was an absolute delight to see and hear.


Our wonderful librarian, Mrs Nield, also organised for us to participate in National Simultaneous Storytime. This is a time where teachers and students all around Australia settle down with the same book at the same time to read a book simultaneously! This year, the book was The Speedy Sloth, written by Rebecca Young and illustrated by Health McKenzie. We all went into the auditorium to have it read to us by a zoo keeper in Singapore in front of some Sloths!


Alex Burgess

Head of Junior School

Year 4 - 6 Police Visit

Last week, Year 4 to 6 had the privilege of meeting with our local Police to talk about cybersafety. Our students asked many important and relevant questions. The session covered different topics such as secure gaming website settings, what to do when being asked to friend someone they don’t know, online bullying and keeping communication open with trusted adults. Overall the session was very beneficial as more and more young people connect with each other online. We’d like to again thank our local Police for their dedication to our young people and our local community.


Steve Griffin

Assistant Head of Junior School

Year 1

The Year 1 students have been exploring how sounds are produced through vibrations. They have identified sounds in the environment and investigated how high and low sounds are a product of different speeds of vibrations. They also created their own telephone to investigate what vibrations can feel and look like. Here are some of their recounts:

Jack - When you hear our ear hairs vibrate and it sends a message to the brain.
Hannah - Our ears send messages to our brain. You have hairs in your ears.
Sylvanas - We made a telephone and we learned about how we hear.
Dotty - It was such fun to talk through the cup phones because the voices sounded funny.
Ruhaan - I made a telephone with a paper cup and string that has a hole in it.
Julian - Our brain can help us to hear people talk. We made telephones out of paper cups and string.
Luke - The brain helps us to hear. I love my brain.
Isla - We learned about ears. Ears transport the noises into the eardrums and the brain. If the noises are too loud, you might get a headache!
Darcy - We made telephones with paper cups and string. We could talk through them. Fast vibrations make high sounds.


Kerry Snook

Year 1 Teacher

Year 2

The Year 2's have had a blast at gymnastics over the past three weeks! Some highlights of gymnastics included the trampolines, rope climbing and bars.

We've also been developing our ICT skills as students have begun exploring our new laptops in Integrated Studies! 

This week, the Year 2's have been learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories as part of National Reconciliation Week. We have learned about Eddie Mabo and the importance of building connections to and learning about different cultures as we develop positive and respectful relationships.


Alissa Griffin

Year 2 Teacher

Year 3

In Year 3 Maths we have been learning how to measure in metres by comparing a Soccer field with a Basketball court. Mrs Zeunert has also been joining us for some worship and teaching us about Egypt and the Red Sea!


Christine Burford

Year 3 Teacher

Year 4

Year 4 were excited to travel to the Warrnambool Table Tennis Centre for weekly Table Tennis lessons as part of their PE program. A highlight was certainly having a hit with a 'ball machine' which would spit balls in all different directions. Students participated in modified games as well as competing against each other.


Christie Stephen

Junior School Teacher