If you are applying for university admission, you should check that your course selections meet any entry requirements. University admission information is available on the TISC website (

To be considered for university admission as a school leaver applicant, normally you must:


  1. Meet the requirements for the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) prescribed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority, and 
  2. Achieve competence in English as prescribed by the individual universities, and
  3.  Obtain a sufficiently high ATAR/Selection Rank for entry to a particular course
  4. Satisfy any prerequisites or special requirements for entry to particular courses.



The Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC) key dates:

  • Monday 1 May Applications open
  • 30 September Final closing date for some courses
  • 17 December ATARs and scaled scores released
  • 18 December Applications/preference changes close
  • 22 December Main round offers released
  • 19 January Second round offers released

year-12-app-info.pdf (



All WA universities are participating in early offers to Year 12 students for selected courses. Details of the early offer schemes vary by university, so you should check with each university for further details. If you receive an early offer, you should check carefully whether it has conditions that you must fulfil, such as achieving a certain ATAR, or passing particular subjects. Accepting an early offer does not lock you in, and you can still add, remove, or change preferences on your TISC application, subject to closing dates. Not receiving an early offer does not mean you will not receive an offer in the TISC all-preference offer rounds. 


Alternative Pathway Entry 

The following universities offer alternative entry for 2024:  

  • Curtin University 
  • Edith Cowan University 
  • Murdoch University 
  • The University of Notre Dame Australia 
  • The University of Western Australia  

Offers are made based on Year 11 ATAR subject results, or mid-year Year 12 ATAR subject results, or by identifying that you are on a recognised pathway, for example through studying a Certificate IV or an enabling program (check the specific university and course requirements for eligibility). Some courses that have very limited places available will not be doing early offers 


Further information can be found by visiting the CurtinECUMurdochNotre Dame, and UWA websites.