Canteen & Uniform Shop

Canteen Special

Available Wednesday 24th May 2023

for $7


Birthday Treats

Cupcakes, ice blocks, jelly and popcorn are available to order for class group birthday celebrations. Notice of 48 hours would be appreciated. Orders must be for class groups only, not individual orders.


If you are interested please contact me in the Canteen. 

Thank you Amanda

Volunteers Required 

The canteen is looking for volunteers to assist with Lunch preparation between 9:30am and 12:30pm and Recess between 2:00pm and 2:30pm. In particular we would love a few extra hands on Friday's as we receive a lot of lunch orders at the end of the week. If we cannot get helpers there will be a limited menu available. If you would like further information please email or contact the office.

Donations Needed

Wooden spoons and 6 packs of plastic cups (from Kmart would be appreciated)


Uniform Shop

Important Information


The Uniform Shop has a selection of second hand uniforms that are available for purchase. Most of the items are $5 each with a few exceptions being the second hand Tartan skirts. Please note, due to a surplus of second hand Tunic skirt bottoms and Tartan skirts we will no longer be doing buy backs for these items. To aid families there will be a display of Tartan bottoms at a reduced price available each Monday in the uniform shop to purchase. For more information on how this may affect you please contact me via the clothing pool email or pop into the uniform shop to discuss.


Along with the Formal Tartan Bottoms we have a selection of polo shirts in house colours  so pop in and grab a bargain before the upcoming athletics carnival. 


We have warm winter options for students such as white long sleeve shirts and skivvies to go under the kids everyday polo shirts on those extra cold days. These can now be found on the QuickCliqs online uniform ordering page.


As you may now be aware the price increase has taken effect, and some lines of clothing are slowly decreasing. Please remember to check for regular updates on uniform items in the NEWS section on your QuickCliqs accounts.


BACK TO SCHOOL VOUCHERS - Despite our best ongoing efforts to become registered for the vouchers, unfortunately we have not yet been successful. We are continuing to work with Service NSW to correct this, however, it is unlikely we will manage to get everything finalised by the end of June. We understand how disappointing this is for many families, but I can assure you it is not from lack of trying. Despite other schools being successful, many others throughout NSW have encountered the same issues. I apologise for the delay in this announcement however I was remaining as hopeful. I encourage parents if you still have vouchers remaining, do not hesitate to redeem them elsewhere. If anything changes before the end of June, I will notify you immediately. 


If you would like to Volunteer your time on Monday afternoons between 3:00pm - 4:00pm in Term 3, or can offer any time during that time slot, please come and speak to me. And if you have any further enquiries about uniforms, please don't hesitate to email me via or pop into the uniform shop on Mondays 3:00pm - 4:00pm


Many Thanks


School Hats

School hats are available at the office. If you require a hat for your child please make sure you have the correct money. Hats are $15 each (cash only). Please try and have the correct money when purchasing. Thank you





To order from the Canteen and Uniform Shop go to Quick Cliq