Holiday Program

It's time for educator's to let loose!

One of my favourite things about our Staff Team is their ability to give anything ago and laugh along the way!  Who knows what these holiday sessions will bring.


We ask that ALL families return their forms whether you are accessing the holiday sessions or not.  Families that do not return their form by Monday the 19th of June will have their accounts charged as per your current Complying Written Agreement.


A printed copy of the attached form has been placed in each child's Communication Pocket for your convenience.  Please email Mrs Joshi (Payal - ElC Administration Assistant/Educator) with your returned forms or hand them to a staff member personally.  We ask that forms not be placed in children's bags with the expectation that they will remember to hand them in.


A program will be posted on June 26. 


We look forward to celebrating these upcoming holidays with our children.


Many thanks, 
