Principal's Report

Daniel Webber

Camp Jungai

The Grade 3/4 Camp to Rubicon’s Camp Jungai this week was an absolute blast! I am so grateful to have been able to join students, staff and parent volunteers for the three days. The students had an incredible time engaging in a wide array of outdoor activities that sparked their sense of adventure and teamwork. From conquering ropes courses to navigating canoes, exploring bush trails, trying their hand at cooking, participating in cultural activities, and enjoying a variety of team-building games, every moment was filled with excitement and laughter. I was so proud to witness the positive attitude with which the students approached the camp, especially considering that many of them experienced their first full school camp. 


The success of our camp experience would not have been possible without the dedication and hard work of the teachers and parent volunteers, who deserve our utmost gratitude for their tireless work and care for the students. I would also like to thank all of the staff back at school that took on the extra work of covering all of us here at Camp Jungai for the three days. 


We are an amazing community at ACPS and we should all be so proud of our young campers this week. I am sure the Grade 3/4 Team will publish a comprehensive article next week with lots more photos or everyone to enjoy. 


Monster Island Book Launch

The Monster Island Book Launch last Sunday was a huge success with renowned author George Ivanoff generously sharing his insights into the intricate process of writing and publishing a book, while offering invaluable tips for aspiring young writers. We extend our thanks to all the students and parents from ACPS and the wider Warrandyte community who attended the event, making it a wonderful afternoon. A special thanks goes out to Eltham bookshop, Peta Dibb, and Elissa Nitschinsk for their dedicated efforts in organising such a valuable event. We are excited about providing more enriching opportunities like this in the future, fostering creativity and nurturing the literary aspirations of young minds.



Food Drive Extended

Inconjuction with the Community Bank Warrandyte we have extended the food drive for a further 2 weeks. Lets get behind their "CAN DO" Campaign and dig deep for those families in need.









School Disco

A reminder that the ACPS Disco coming soon!!.

When : Tuesday 20 JuneWhere: ACPS Theatre

Time:   Prep-Grade 2     5.00pm-6.00pm            

              Grade 3-6           6.15pm-7.30pm


Tickets $10 each and are now available via Trybooking 


The entrance and exit will be the main theatre foyer. At the end of the disco children must be collected by a parent/carer from inside the theatre.




Daniel Webber
