Year 2 News

Evie & Kim, 2B

From Kaajal, Year 2 teacher 

Education Week - poo!

Year 2 have been learning about different animal diets. We talked about how some animals are herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. We explored various texts about what animals eat and discovered what happens to their food when it leaves their body. This led to the exciting (and disgusting) activity where classes made animal poo. We sorted the poos by what could be found in it (e.g. leaves, insects, vegetables). We used this research to write information reports demonstrating our understand of how animal diets affect the size, shape, and contents of their poo.   

Jayden 2B
Victoria 2B helping to make poo
Kim and Damien (2B) making the poo
Jayden 2B
Victoria 2B helping to make poo
Kim and Damien (2B) making the poo

Science - Life cycles in Animals

Year 2 are exploring how living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves.  Students have considered their own personal growth, and how they have changed since birth, reflecting on childhood development and early memories.  They will also investigate the different characteristics of life stages in a wide variety of animals.