Year 1 News

Penelope & Kabir

From Karen, Year 1 teacher

Visit to Molesworth Campus

Year 1 had the opportunity to visit the new campus on Molesworth Street. The students were very excited about this new space, and had lots of fun navigating through the building.  

Reading & writing 

Students learned about visualisation, which is like playing movies and painting pictures in their heads while reading; they have also been learning about precise nouns and verbs, to make their writing more interesting. 


We learned about the Australian coins the previous week. The students had the opportunity to order coins, count, recognise the features on each coin and create coin art! We also played games like Celebrity Heads Up, Guess my coin, which the students enjoyed a lot. In the recent week, we learnt about location. We looked at directional vocabularies such as forward, backward, next to, between, on top of, in front of, etc. We played games using these vocabularies, such as partners giving each other directions, and the highlight of the week: Beebots! The students have enjoyed figuring out combinations and putting in the algorithms for the Beebots. 

Raghav & Reggie
Chanel & Avita
Raghav & Reggie
Chanel & Avita

Science - Fur, Feathers, Skin and Scales


Year 1 are focusing on identifying a variety of common external features of living things, such as head, legs and wings on different animals.  Students are investigating and describing the different purposes of these body parts.  Year 1 have had much fun comparing human and yabby body parts and made a yabby collage from human body parts.