Message from Principal Sarah

From Sarah Nightingale, Principal 

ES Appreciation Day


On Tuesday 16th May we celebrated our wonderful ES staff at NMPS. We thank our ES staff for all of the work they do in classrooms, in the office, sickbay, wellbeing, kitchen, garden, and in maintaining the school. Our school wouldn’t run as smoothly as it does without the support of each and every one of them.

To our ES team we say THANK-YOU.


Education Week

This week is Education Week. This year’s theme is ‘Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate’, which celebrates physical activity, hands-on learning and student voice in education. Our teachers have celebrated Education Week in classrooms this year – please check out the rest of the newsletter to see what each year level and specialist team have been up to. 


Professional Practice Days

Over the next couple of weeks, our teachers will engage in the first of their allocated Professional Practice Days for the year. In Term 2, our students will remain at school while the teachers engage in their Professional Practice Days and will be covered by Causal Relief Teachers (where possible) and internal staff. 


In Term 3, we will be holding a Whole School Professional Practice Day on Friday 25th August. Students will not be required to attend school on this day.


Professional practice days provide teachers with release from their scheduled duties (all duties which would have been otherwise scheduled, including teaching) to focus on the improved delivery of high quality teaching and learning.


Molesworth Street Campus – Sneak Peak

Our school leaders Beau, Ava, Eli and Harshul and Viana (our cultural leader) got to visit the new Molesworth Street Campus last week as part of a sneak peek preview with the Victorian School Building Authority. They shared their thoughts on the new build as they explored the new spaces and areas. 


Thank you to our wonderful school leaders for taking part in the video and school tour - its been great to get your views! 

Campus Update 

(as published on Compass -Tuesday 16th May)

As you know, our students and staff have been doing a wonderful job supporting the transition to our new campus over the past couple of weeks. Allowing another week for this transition period means that this important work can continue and I am grateful to our incredible community for the ongoing support in managing this. I have a quick update on current activities and next steps and am committed to providing information to you as it is confirmed. 


All students will be starting each day this week at our Errol Street Campus at 9am and finishing at 3:30pm. Students and staff will walk to the Molesworth Street Campus and run classes from the new spaces throughout the rest of the week. Students will be walked back to Errol Street Campus before the end of the day at times that see minimal distractions to their learning. 


I will provide you with a further update on Thursday, outlining the plan for next week’s campus move, which will also include information about when we will begin our staggered start and finish times for both campuses. I will also be providing details of the official opening day festivities soon. Once again, thank you again for your patience and flexibility.