Parents & Friends Committee News


If you are interested in joining the Parents and Friends Committee, please feel free to come to any meetings or send us an email. 


We are always on the look out for new members.  The committee is a fun way to meet new people and be a part of something special.   If you are able to spare a helping hand, then please join us as a general member.  There is no pressure to be involved in every event, we are just looking for people who could spare some time to share in our vision and bring with them, fresh ideas and perspectives that will benefit the school and children.


From the Parents and Friends Committee


Mothers' Day Stall

A HUGE thank you to Mariella Alessi for organising and sourcing the gifts for the stall.

Also, thank you to the helpers who helped sell the goods to the students.


Wishing all Mothers, Grandmothers & Special Ladies, a wonderful day with your children.

We hope you enjoy your gifts!



Italian Day - Hot Food Lunch

Thank you to the parents who have already volunteered to help out on Italian Day, to bag & distribute the food to the students.....  We could definitely do with more help, so if you are able to spare a couple of hours, please let Leanne in the office, know.

You must have a current WWC to help out.