Mrs Emma Daly
Mrs Emma Daly
A big focus of our Numeracy teaching throughout the year is developing efficient mental computation strategies with our students. Research shows that over 80% of maths completed in our day-to-day lives is done mentally or 'in our head'.
Students are working on developing numerous strategies to apply to addition and subtraction equations, to allow them to be more efficient when completing sums in their heads.
Some of the strategies that we are focussing on in class are:
Prep - Part-part-whole knowledge, counting all and counting on
1/2 - Part-part-whole knowledge, counting on, doubles, tens facts, bridging to 10, and adding 10
3 -6 - Using all of the strategies above and applying them to a variety of more complex equations. We also develop strategies to assist with larger numbers including: compensation strategy, split strategy, and jump strategy.
We will be sharing videos with you explaining the different strategies over the coming weeks.
Everyone in the family can have a go at solving these sums and then discuss how you solved them. it is interesting to see the number of different ways that people work them out.
How did you solve it?
a. 9 + 8 = b. 60 + 60 = c. 24 + 63 = d. 48 + 27 =