Year 1 Unit
The Melbourne Museum Excursion.
Year 1’s were extremely excited about our excursion to The Melbourne Museum on the 11th of May. When we arrived we stored our belongings and got straight into our exploration of the Museum exhibits. Across the day the two groups of students spent time in the Bugs Alive Exhibition, the Dinosaur Walk gallery, the Gondwana Garden and the Triceratops Exhibition. Students also participated in a session led by Gallery staff about the Triceratops Horridus, where they learned about where, when and how the fossils were found and what life was like for the Triceratops. Students listened well and asked thoughtful questions. We discovered new information about our favourite dinosaurs and bugs and we were especially excited to see the Triceratops Horridus skeleton. Please see our pictures.
Year 1 Teachers
Danielle Dawes, Zoe Sutherland, Juliet Smith, Emma Beaumont