Parents and Friends Association

Dates for your Diary

PFA Meetings - Tuesday June 6. Various locations - 7 for 7.30pm start


Term 2 

29th May - Cake Stall 3.30pm outside canteen

18th June - PFA Parent Drinks, Woodend RSL 2.30pm


PFA Cake Stall - Monday May 29th at 3.30pm outside the CANTEEN

This term we are holding the ever popular cake stall. All donations of baked goods, jams/preserves, garden produce, flowers, hand-crafted items etc. gratefully accepted. If you’re not a baker/gardener please come along and purchase something in the afternoon! 


Drop-off of items is to the CANTEEN on the morning of Monday the 29th between 8.30 – 9.15am, or between 2 – 3pm, other times by prior appointment. All baked goods need to packaged, are not to contain cream fillings or uncooked eggs. Please also attach a label with a full list of ingredients. 


Items will be available to purchase after school from 3.30pm – 4.30pm (or until sold out). (We have chosen this date, so that hopefully people are free to bake/prepare on the weekend just prior!). Please bring a carry bag and cash, in case the EFTPOS network is slow.


Thank you for supporting our fundraiser this term!


Mother’s Day Morning Tea - Thank you!

What a wonderful turnout for our Mother’s Day morning tea! It made for a very special gathering of our school community last Friday. A big shout out to the Parents and Friends’ Association for organising, the parent helpers, and the many people who brought some food to share. Thank you to Rafael’s Coffee for providing the opportunity to purchase a hot drink, and let’s not forget the students who so willingly served on the morning also! We look forward to having our Dad’s onsite later in the year.

Save the date!! PFA Parent Drinks - Woodend RSL - 2.30pm, Sunday 18th of June. $5 tickets to cover hall hire available on Qkr! soon. Gather some friends and book a babysitter!


PFA Fundraising Update

We’d like to take the opportunity to acknowledge the ongoing support of our school community when it comes to fundraising for special equipment and upgrades not covered in the normal operating budget. The Carlsruhe Fair is firstly a fantastic day out, but it also raises important funds for special projects around the school. In recent times, with your help, the PFA has been pleased to be able to provide four new picnic tables at Carlsruhe at cost of $7,840, and to contribute $25,000 to the new colourful shade sails over the school playground. The PFA also supports school community events such as the Morning Teas with smaller contributions when needed. Thank you very much for your ongoing support. 


Next PFA Meeting

Our next meeting is on Tuesday June 6th. Everyone is very welcome to join us - please email for the month’s meeting location. 


Facebook Pages 

There are two pages you may like to join - one run by the School Office, and one for Parents and Friends of WPS. Here are the links to join: - Woodend Primary School - Woodend Primary School 

Parents and Friends Community (You must answer the membership questions so that we can establish your connection to the school)

Thank you,



PFA Communications and Class Rep Liaison

Monique Ho