House Athletics Day

By Tesia Haggai 

House Athletics Day was an absolute blast! The team spirit was buzzing as Tabor, Bethel, Carmel, and Zion battled it out to see who would come out on top. Each bus was filled with the smell of cheap coloured hairspray and the sound of newly memorised chants. 


When we arrived Mr McGrath gave us a rundown for the day. The field events went round in rotations while the track events were cheered on by those in the stands. Points were allocated for team morale, participation, and house support. The hot sun was beating down on everyone so while everyone was sweating it out in the sun, the new house captains handed out colour coded lollies to help re-energise and encourage their team members. 

Throughout the day the results were neck and neck, but finally, Carmel ended up pulling through with only 3 participation points over Zion. In my biased opinion, Tabor should've won, but honestly, it was great to see everyone get so involved in the first athletics day for the past 2 years. 


Mr McGrath, Miss Sim and Miss Marshall did an awesome job in organising the day and I can't wait to see what's been cooked up for next year! Until then watch out for Tabor because the other houses aren't going to know what hit them!