This term we are working on RESPONSIBILITY 

and next week we are looking at




What does it mean when we talk about leadership? Who are leaders and what do they do? Are there different types of leaders? How do we become good leaders? These are some of the questions that people

often think about when they think of leadership because leadership is a very difficult idea. 


People of all ages often talk about leadership. Who are leaders? Is it the captain of the team? Is it the fastest runner? The best artist? The smartest kid in the grade? Well possibly. 


What are some of the qualities of leaders? Leaders can be all sorts of people. They might be the best at something but being good at something doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be a leader. 


So if they are not necessarily the best, what are they?  Often leaders are those people who have the ability to inspire those around them and get them to work together to achieve a common goal. It might be the person who helps organise a game, or the person that helps everyone get started on a group work task, or the person that helps sort out problems in a group.  Leaders may sometimes be the boss, and good leaders are good listeners. They are fair to everyone and give everyone a go. When they understand what the group wants to do they set about helping everyone get started.






Value Ambassadors


It was great to be able to acknowledge the students with awards once again.