Principal's News

Farewell Mrs Spain

Monday the 15th of November was the last teaching day for our popular Foundation leader Tamara Spain. Tamara eagerly awaits the arrival of her first born child and we wish her and husband Craig all the very best and every happiness as they move into this exciting phase of life. You both have our best wishes and we look forward to a visit from you and your bundle of joy next year. We welcome Chelsea Kubic from the 3rd of December back into FT for the remainder of the year and know the children will enjoy completing Foundation in her capable care.



We have recently appointed Rebecca Crawford and Mairead Judge (pronounced Marade) as two graduate teachers for 2022. We are excited to have them teaching at CEPS next year. 


Classes for 2022

Please do not approach teachers with demands or requests for your child’s grade placement in 2022. The teachers have spent a great deal of time and effort formulating grades for your children in 2022. Our teachers take into account the social, emotional and academic needs of your children when placing them into their new groups. This is a time consuming and complex process and is done strategically so that there is a nice balance across the year levels. The children will be with at least one friend they have nominated for next year. We trust that you understand this can be a difficult process and that the school is well equipped to place your child so that the best educational outcomes are reached for your children.



Congratulations to Ashleigh Klooger who has picked up an on-going position in the private system for 2022 at King David School.


Congratulations to Mrs Julie Pendlebury who has picked up a position at Coatesville PS in 2022. They have been wonderful assets for Cheltenham East PS and we wish them all the best at their new schools next year.


Thankyou From Year 6

Our staff were treated to a delightful outdoor afternoon tea on Friday after school, prepared by our Year 6 children and some of their parents. The sharing of gratitude with the staff at CEPS from the Year 6 cohort each year, is a long standing tradition, which marks a show of respect for the impact the primary years have had on each young person. It was a fantastic occasion for all staff, who gratefully enjoyed separately prepared grazing boxes, which complied with current COVID safe practice. A big thank you goes out to the parents led by Tracy Nathan and Ange Berry, who helped with the arrangements and to Mrs Pendlebury, Mr Hughes, Ms Klooger and Mrs Chase for their additional organisation of the afternoon.











Annual General Meeting (AGM) Parents' Committee

The Annual General Meeting for the Parents’ Committee will be held on Tuesday the 7th of December at 7pm in the staff room at Cheltenham East PS. We would love to see as many parents as possible attend to find out what exciting fund-raising events are planned for 2022. Please come along and support the school’s fund-raising efforts for next year. The election of office bearers will take place at the meeting.


Transition Days

The last of our Foundation transition activities “I’m Ready For School Now” is happening on December 7th from 9.15 am to 10.30am. The children should be brought to the hall and they will then be taken to the classrooms for a morning filled with exciting activities. 


Tuesday 7th December is also the day most Year 6 children will do a one day transition program at their new secondary schools. We wish them all the best on their first day at their new school.


Please note: The first official day for Years 1-6 students is Monday January 31st 2022


Foundation students will start on the following day, Tuesday 1st February, 2022. Foundation will attend on the Wednesday 2nd February of the first week and then have the next four Wednesdays away for testing purposes.


Library Books Reminder

Library books need to be returned as soon as possible. Ms Doutch who is in charge of the library has the daunting task of checking that all library books are returned by the end of the year. Let’s make it as easy as possible for her, by returning books quickly please! A massive thank you to one of our amazing parent members Lisa Sciortino, is a Librarian and parent at the school and will being working on the stocktake by the end of the year.









Southern Metropolitan Region Primary Girls Volleyball Finals 2021

Well done to our Girls Volleyball team who won their division final on Thursday the 18th of November. The girls made it through to the Regional finals played today (Nov 26th). Overall they finished 3rd! Congratulations girls and always continue to AIM HIGH!


Concert 2021

Unfortunately this year’s concert has been hit hard again with Covid restrictions and limited restrictions on gatherings, however Mrs Digby has somehow pulled it together and has been practising hard with the Year 6 students who will be filmed in full costume. This will take place in the hall with the concert filmed, parents will be able to sit down and watch the show. We hope you enjoy watching the show in the comfort of your home with popcorn and drinks! Enjoy the experience and celebrate our incredible students and the amazing year that has been!


End of Year Celebrations

As we near the end of the year, we will celebrate with a series of special events.


These include (but are not limited to):

  • Tuesday December 14th: Grade 6 Graduation Ceremony on the school oval.
  • Meet My 2022 Teacher for the children on 15th December.
  • Class parties December 15th
  • Friday 17th December is the last day of school - 1pm departure
  • I am sure everyone is looking forward to these events in particular.

Bike Ed 

The Year 5’s have been practicing hard on their bike skills and learning about the rules of the road in their Bike Education classes next week. Thank you to the teachers for arranging the sessions whilst we have had significantly restricting conditions under which to make arrangements. The year 5 students will be riding to Kingston Heath Park as a finishing challenge to test their knowledge and skills. A big thankyou to our wonderful parents who have managed to come in and help out with the program, it is much appreciated.





Students in Grade 3-6 are reminded to bring their own masks from home to school every day.








Waste Warriors

We have had many of the Year 1/2 children turning up with buckets of rubbish at the office doors. They have taken it upon themselves to collect rubbish around the school and in the garden areas using tongs and a bucket. Well done to all of them for showing one of our important school values – Responsibility as well as using their initiative to make our school look better.


Sensory Garden

The project has been progressing quite quickly with rock gardens put down as well as the development of the garden area along side the classroom buildings. Pathways and seating areas are being mapped out and developed. As I have mentioned previously this area will look fantastic when it is finished.


Our resident handyman Mr Jon has been busy putting new carpet strips down in the corridor, trimming hedges and shrubs and fixing bikes in his spare time.











Thought for the Week





















Mr Wayne Bach
