Learning and Teaching Update 

'Nurturing collaborative and authentic relationships.'

Literacy Update

Our teachers are working so hard at the moment, completing essential reading and writing assessments and delivering excellent literacy instruction. They really are making the most of every opportunity they have to be with the students face to face, to improve their reading and writing before the end of the term. We are also running several intervention groups across the school, specifically working with students who need help in certain areas of their literacy learning. This will give those students an amazing kick start for next year.

Thank you to all the students, teachers and families for putting their best foot forward and working so hard right up until the end of term.


Holiday Reading Tips:

A lot of parents tell me that their kids lose interest in reading over the long summer holidays. Here’s eight great ways to keep your kids engaged in reading over the holidays.

  1. DEAR stands for 'Drop Everything and Read': everyday, everyone in the house drops what they’re doing and just reads.
  2. Spend time at the local library; become a member and let your kids choose and borrow books regularly. Using your library log in details, you can also access things like Storybox https://ourlibrary.mornpen.vic.gov.au/Kids-Teen/Story-Box-Library. Check out the Mornington Peninsula library websites for more great links and information. https://ourlibrary.mornpen.vic.gov.au/Home
  3. Let your child show off their reading skills to relatives; Encourage your child to show off their reading skills by reading to a visiting relative or retelling a story from memory.
  4. Read and talk about books in the car and listen to audiobooks; Try downloading the Borrow Box App on your phone; connect your account to a library card, borrow a family-friendly book and listen to it via Bluetooth in the car.
  5. Create a special summer reading list; Work with your child to choose books they want to read in advance. Set a goal of the amount of books they will read per week.
  6. Cook summer meals together and let the kids read out the recipe; Discuss the ingredients, procedure and key terms like measurements.
  7. Creating stories; If your child enjoys making up their own stories, encourage this by using www.storybird.com to help them design their own picture book. 
  8. Relaxing; Help your child create a 'reading and dreaming' place in your home. This could be a window seat with comfy cushions, an indoor pop-up tent with a cozy blanket, or even a corner in a garden shed with a seat. Let the rest of the family know that if your child is in her/his special place they should try not to disturb them. 

Mary Lenko

Leader of Literacy and Science of Reading



Olivia Murray

Leader of Inquiry Learning
