Whole School News

Albany Agricultural Show

It was so nice to catch up with many people at the Albany Agricultural Show last weekend who came to visit us at the Cattle Marquee. This year six students, Henry Stephens, Jacinta Cooper, Isabel Miller, Maddy O’Neill, Abbey Andrew, and I worked incredibly hard with six animals for many months to get them ready for this weekend. For the first time we took Dexter bulls, Ronald, and Quality Street along with two cows QuiQui and Quartz and their calves Sanders and Sapphire. These animals all come under the school’s agricultural produce brand ‘Grammar grown’. The opportunity to show pedigree Dexters has been because of the incredible generosity of Western Australia’s cattle community who want to foster future generations and ensure they are exposed to the responsibilities of rearing and caring for cattle. 

Both cattle and students won several prizes over the weekend including Grammar grown Ronald, now Albany’s specialty breed supreme champion bull, and Grammar grown QuiQui won Reserve Senior Champion Female.  Students entered competitions and won prizes for herdsmanship, and Meat Sheep judging and placing in the top ten for beef cattle judging.


I would also like to thank Mrs Naomi Cooper for organising the uniforms, and Mr Julian Gugenheim for giving up his time to make this happen. Without the support of Mr Gugenheim and the Western Australian cattle community we would not be able to have this opportunity to show off the Dexter breed but also to be able to learn more about agriculture.


Matt Edwards | Year Ten, GSG Cattle Club Captain