Senior School

From the Head of Senior School

As we approach the end of another school year our thoughts turn towards the future. For those students finishing Years Six and Nine, it is a time of transition – they are going to move from one subschool into another. This, I hope, will represent an opportunity for reflection and renewal. My advice to those students coming into the Senior School is to regard it as moving to a new school; if you are new to an environment what impression would you care to make? 


Transitions continue throughout our lives. The ATAR exams have just drawn to a close, and we have farewelled for the last time our Year Twelve students. They stand on the threshold of a far greater transition as they move into adult life beyond school. In my own case I am preparing for a very different identity in the school; the transition in a few weeks out of this leadership position to a role with considerably less profile and intensity, and with a completely new and different set of challenges. Such things should be embraced and welcomed as a chance to broaden and redefine.


I wish all our students well as they prepare to end this year and step up into the next.


Mr Mark Bonnin | Head of Senior School 

Year Ten Marine Science 

Back in Term Two, the Year Ten Marine Science class received 50 rainbow trout fingerlings. Their aim was to develop a sustainable working aquaculture system. Along the way the students measured the growth rate and health of the fish as well as looking after their vegetable garden on top. The symbiotic relationship between the fish and plants was a new learning experience for all. Recently the students have moved into the last phase of the process: dispatching the trout, smoking them, and making new and exciting recipes for all to enjoy. They tasted delicious and looked great. All recipes included vegetables from their garden such as chives, lettuce, mint, snow peas, parsley and spinach. Congratulations, Year Tens, on all your hard work and success.


Mr Taylor Colton | Teacher