Sport & House competition

2022 Interschool Sport Coaches – last chance!
Thank you to those students who have registered to coach a sporting team in 2022. Successful applicants will be notified early in 2022 and required to attend an important meeting.
The applications for student coaches are coming in thick and fast. Information regarding the 2022 Student coaches has been distributed via Compass and email to the current years 8,9,10 and 11 students.
What does being a student coach involve?
You are responsible for the following:
- To communicate with MGSC staff member in charge to determine trial date/s
- Ensure your read the daily bulletin to be informed of trial dates.
- Assist in trial sessions and selection of team
- Arrive punctually and enthusiastically to ALL training sessions
- Run training sessions
- Assist with duties on day of competition. E.g. umpire, scorer
- Write up newsletter article after competition and submit to staff coach.
How does the selection process work?
Students need to complete this form to be considered. If you are successful in becoming involved in the coaching program, you will be notified early in 2022. You will then be required to attend an important meeting. Please note: Late forms will not be considered.
Students who are interested in taking part in the role are to ensure they complete this form by Friday 10 December.
Should students have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to come and see Ms Parker in the Gym office or send an email (
I’d like to wish all students and their families a safe and enjoyable summer break. Let’s hope our hectic sporting calendar can be in full action next year!
Mrs Ilana Parker
Interschool Sport & College House Coordinator