Junior School news

Wow, I can’t believe we are in the final week of classes. What a year it has been!
Thank you Junior School families for supporting your daughter in what has been a challenging year. It has been great to see the students working in their new subjects and getting to know their year 8 teachers.
Orientation Day
On Tuesday 7 December it was Grade 6 Orientation Day. Next year, we welcome students from 40 Primary Schools in year 7. The students worked in their new form group for three periods completing many getting to know you tasks and finished by participating in tabloid sports in the gym, in their house groups. The students learnt their house chant and worked with the Senior House Captains. Thank you to some year 7 students who helped the grade 6 students learn how to use their combination lock as it can be quite tricky! A big thank you to all of the teachers who welcomed the new cohort and made the day a success, in particular Petra Witt, Jeannie Ta, Cathy Grieves and Tess Molina for the work they did in preparation for the day.
Environment week
Monday 13 to Thursday 16 December
There are no scheduled classes this week. The school offers an alternative program where students complete different tasks for the first two sessions of the day and view a film in the last session. Students who attend need to wear suitable casual clothes and footwear (thongs are not permitted) and must bring their own food as the canteen will be closed. Some tasks could include gardening, Art and Technology room clean up, removing old and adding new posters/notices to pin boards, etc
Junior School Team - 2022
Ms Detta Gordon – Assistant Principal Year 7-9
Ms Tess Molina – Acting Director of Junior School tess.molina@education.vic.gov.au
Ms Emma Holman will be going on family leave.
Ms Jeannie Ta – 7A, B, C, G Student Manager jeannie.ta@education.vic.gov.au
Mrs Petra Witt – 7D, E, F, H Student Manager petra.witt@education.vic.gov.au
Mr Steve Williams – 8D, E, F, G Student Manager steve.williams@education.vic.gov.au
Mrs Trisha Sullian – 8A, B, C, H Student Manager trisha.sullivan@education.vic.gov.au
We wish the Junior School families a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday break. We will see you back and ready to go in 2022!
Ms Emma Holman
Director of Junior School