Principal's message

A year in review
Who would have thought that we would experience another year of lockdowns in 2021? Whilst there had been outbreaks emerging over the 2020-2021 summer break, school life was expected to return to normal in 2021. But then came the Delta variant and everything changed.
The school year started with optimism. We had made it through 2020, the once in a 100 years pandemic. We were pleased it was behind us and there was a roadmap to take us back to normality. However, the optimism was short-lived when the first circuit breaker lockdown was called by the Premier from 11:59pm on Friday 12 February to 11:59pm on Wednesday 17 February 2021.
Following this first circuit breaker, our students returned to on-site learning on Thursday 18 February. Thankfully the year 7 camp, year 7 and 12 Fancy Dress, Swimming Carnival, Athletics Carnival, House Cross Country, House Performance, Work Experience week and the year 12 formal were able to take place during term 1.
However, this wasn’t the only circuit breaker or lockdown. We were to have a few more over terms 2 and 3. The first six weeks of term 2 went by without a hitch, but by week 6 the COVID-19 variant, Delta, was gaining momentum with 34 active cases having been identified in Victoria on the 27 May. Schools were closed from Friday 28 May to Thursday 3rd of June with an expected return date of Friday 4 June. This was then extended until Friday 11 June. During this time, the aerobics competition heats were moved to online and the Design Thinking Project for our Year 8 students was deferred. School tours were cancelled and visitors to the school were limited once again. The holidays were welcomed by the school community when they commenced on the 26 June.
The Department of Health and the Department of Education and Training then introduced a vaccination blitz for VCE teachers, students undertaking a Year 12 subject and VCE exam supervisors and assessors in early September. By the 14 September this was extended to all students over 12 years of age.
There was a plan to get students back into the classroom as soon as possible without putting them at risk. The GAT was held, as planned, on Tuesday the 5 October. On Wednesday 6 October our year 12 students commenced their onsite classes. There was a collective sigh let out across metropolitan Melbourne secondary schools.
From Friday October 22 all school students returned at least part-time. Masks were mandatory inside and outside for staff and students. Remote and flexible learning continued to be delivered to students on the days they were not onsite. Commencing on Monday 1st of November, all students were onsite full-time. Camps, interschools sport, excursions, year level assemblies, music, singing and performances were able to take place. Face masks were no longer required outdoors by teachers or secondary school students but remained mandated inside buildings and classrooms.
The Unit 3 & 4 exams are now behind us and we have been able to have a delayed Valedictory Event to acknowledge the end of a very unique primary school and secondary school journey for our Year 12 students. The gymnasium and the oval are once again being hired out by the community and excursions are taking place.
After two long years of being in the Band Program, the year 8 band classes finally performed for their families. The Design Thinking project went ahead last week for our 2022 year 9 students and we were able to have visitors to the school to see them working collaboratively on their sustainable suburbs.
The year 6 into 7 statewide transition day is taking place as I write this final message for you all. We have 200 students from over 40 suburbs that have chosen to make MGSC there new home. This truly is a school where every girl from everywhere experiences success.
I can’t say that the journey through 2021 has been without its challenges. The teachers have been nothing short of inspirational in the way that they have adapted their teaching styles and found new online resources to suit a dynamic and unpredictable classroom landscape. Likewise, our Education Support Staff have been inventive and creative in reaching out to our teachers and students to assist them in any way they can.
Our students have shown both courage and resilience throughout this two year period. They have adapted well to the change of pace as they switched between online and onsite learning, and gave us feedback when they are feeling the pressure of the workload.
I would like to acknowledge the support of our parents, carers and guardians who have provided a safe and secure home environment for their children throughout the periods of remote and flexible learning. I believe, that because of this unusual journey, we are more aware of the important role we all play in building the resilience, self-esteem and confidence of young people than we would have been prior to 2020.
We have two retirement happening this year. The first is Bronwyn Moline, Assistant Principal. Bronwyn has been on leave for the majority of 2020 and 2021 and will retire at the end of this year. Bronwyn has an impressive career and has contributed to the success of MGSC during her time here. Personally and professionally, I will miss having her as part of the MGSC Principal Class Team.
The second staff member to retire is Bill Murray, who has taught at MGSC since early in the 1990s. A former engineer, Bill has brought his unique life experience into the classroom and his skills in soccer to share with our students over many years. Bill has never lost his passion for teaching and he will be missed by his colleagues and students alike.
I hope that Bronwyn and Bill can both begin a journey that includes travel and spending time with friends and family.
With every journey that ends, there are new beginnings. We have a number of teachers moving on to other schools or opportunities at the end of the year. I give my thanks and say farewell to Sam Haines (Director of Curriculum & Enhancement), Alison Pickard (Director of Daily Organisation & Personnel and School Council Member), Lauren Thomson (English teacher), Rachel Baleisis (PE/Health/Student Manager), Tahnee Fisher (English teacher), Mahsa Sajedi (English/EAL/English Language teacher), Deb McKay (Humanities/English Teacher) and Sian Sharpe (English/Humanities). I wish them all the best.
Student Leadership
On the last day of the year for current year 9,10 & 11 students there was a whole school picnic on the oval. This was an opportunity for the school to come together in a COVIDsafe setting in an event run by our student leadership teams. The SRC, Student Voice & Advocacy, STEAM, Performing Arts and Environment teams worke together run events, provide entertainment, a student teachers running race and ensure the oval was left clean with minimal wasite.
We also have a new Student School Leadership Team that will carry the torch of student voice and agency into 2022. My congratulations to:
College Captains: Isobel Long and Olivia Gryszan
SRC Captain: Cassidy Jackson
Student Voice & Advocacy Captain: Samantha Martin
STEAM Captain: Trixie Sumpter
Performing Arts Captain: Sabina Eyre-Walker
Environment & Sustainability Captain: Keziah Sansom-Gower
Sports Captain: Amberley Powell.
In closing, I would like to thank all of the School Council members that have supported both me and the school over the past year. They have been nothing short of outstanding as your elective representatives. Some members will have had met onsite on just a few occassions during 2020 and 2021. There is still one more meeting (in early 2022) to go for the 2021 School Council, so it isn’t a final goodbye just yet.
Finally, I would like to give my thanks to Carol Duggan and Detta Gordon (Assistant Principals) and Kelly Lloyd-Vanni (Business Manager) for always looking to support staff, students and parents/carers/guardians during these difficult times. They have led with compassion and conviction, always considering the needs of staff and students.
Best wishes for the holiday season to you all. May the 2022 year be full of new horizons and possibilities and much joy and laughter.
Take care
Linda Brown