Around Headstart

Year 9 Forensics
There was crime in the Science wing and the year 9 science students needed to solve it.
Erin McClements
This week in science we looked at blood types, how to identify them and what blood types are compatible with others. We investigated the reactions in the blood, when antibodies were added, that attack the specific antigens. We determined what antibodies each blood type contained. The experiment we did was very interesting to see how forensic scientists can identify blood types and help to solve crimes.
Alannah Dunstan
Last week the year 9s did some experimentation with a crime scene that was set up in a classroom. We had four suspects and the white powder from the crime scene, and we used several tests to check and match up crime scene powder with one of the suspects' powders. We looked at appearance, texture, aroma (smell), the reaction in water, reaction in acid, reaction in iodine and reaction to heat where we used the Bunsen burner to heat the powder. The reaction in acid had more effect on the powder therefore it was more fun to experience first hand. All this data was then placed into a table and analysed.
Dahliyani Briedis
Science and Mathematics Teacher