From the Chair

2021 continued to present challenges to what we term a 'normal' way of living affecting many aspects of our lives. Despite these challenges members of the committee were delighted to welcome Samantha Harris as a new member of the Committee. We look forward to working more closely with Samantha during 2022. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the ability of the members of the Kilbreda Past Pupils Network Committee to host reunion groups and provide the opportunity for past pupils to gather, renew and maintain connections with each other and the College.


Unfortunately, all but one of our scheduled events for 2020 and 2021 were cancelled, with the Class of 2020 Reunion being the only celebration over the past two years.  I wish to thank the organisers of the many reunion groups inconvenienced, and those who had registered to attend an event for their understanding, goodwill and cooperation in setting two and in some cases three rescheduled dates, only to be finally cancelled! 


We are hopeful of rescheduling many of these events during 2022 as well as welcoming those who will be celebrating milestone reunions in 2022. We welcome the opportunity to work with the organisers and the College to provide a safe setting in line with the requirements of living with COVID-19 in our community as we have now reached the 90% stage of vaccination for all eligible people in the state. We continue to value and thank health workers, many of whom are former students of Kilbreda, as they test and vaccinate large numbers of people and care for those who are hospitalised.


The highlight for 2021 was to have been the celebration of our Kilbreda women via the Past Pupils of Distinction Program. However, this too was impacted by the challenges of COVID-19. The celebration of our Kilbreda women, inductees and nominees will now be held on Friday 4 March 2022 at a dinner to be held at Kilbreda College. We invite you to join us in celebrating our Kilbreda women and in once again being able to gather as a part of the Kilbreda community. Further details are included in this newsletter.


Vale Lucia Liberatore

The Kilbreda community was saddened to learn of the recent passing of Lucia. Lucia was a friend and colleague of all members of the committee. She was greatly loved and respected and will be missed. A tribute to her is included in this Newsletter. 


As stated in earlier issues of Tower Talk an important part of our role is to assist you to connect/reconnect with former students from your time at Kilbreda and with the Kilbreda community. We look forward to receiving your enquiries and assisting with your reunions. 


We would love to hear what is happening in the lives of Kilbreda Past Pupils and welcome articles and photos that could be included in future issues of Tower Talk. The next edition is planned for June 2022. Articles can be forwarded to We also welcome enquiries related to joining the committee.


The Past Pupils’ e-newsletter 'Tower Talk' is produced twice a year. To ensure you receive your copy directly to your inbox please update changes to your contact details, particularly your email address at


Members of the Committee (Carolyn Callaghan, Maree Clark - née Norman, Samantha Harris, Denise Leonard - née Morrissey, Kylie Montesanti - née Oliver,  Andrea Halliday, Ashleigh Patogiannis - née Keyes, Damian Smith and Peta Wragg) wish you peace, hope and love this Christmas.


Denise Leonard (née Morrissey) 


Kilbreda Past Pupils’ Network Committee