From the Principal 

Mrs Cathy Ferrari

At St Mary's we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school. 


We acknowledge the Yaluk-ut Weelam clan of the Boonwurrung – as the Traditional Owners of Port Phillip, the land where St Mary’s is situated, and we pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their Elders, both past, present and future.




If your circumstances have changed and your child is not returning next year and you haven't let the school know, please email me as soon as possible. As enrolment patterns influence staffing and class numbers.  (

The Family is back together

It was with great excitement we welcomed back the whole school family on Wednesday 3rd November.  We had a wonderful celebration on Friday with delicious food from Carlisle Street Pizza, Zooper Doopers, music and sunshine! Many people helped to make this happen and I would like to thank Kasia, Rian, Jade, Hannah and Neeraja.  Friday afternoon we also had the Uniform Stall and it was great having some parents on site chatting to each other and helping each other. We hope to provide more opportunities for parents to meet onsite in the playground. 


Today we remember those members of our families and community who gave their lives for us and our country. The whole school paused at 11:00am to acknowledge their sacrifice. Within our Catholic tradition November is also a time of remembrance. On Monday 1st November we remembered the saints both living and in heaven. We also prayed for the members of our families who have passed away on Tuesday 2nd November (All Souls Day), and thank God for giving them to us and all the blessings they brought to our lives. 


A quick snap shot around the school sees an outdoor assembly tomorrow led by Harry and Natasha.   We will take photos to share with the community and as soon as we can have families onsite for this, we will let you know.  The Year 6s are preparing to make their Sacrament of Confirmation with Father Jerome conferring the Sacrament on behalf of Bishop Tony. They have a faith forming Spirit Day on Wednesday 17th November with       Fr Jerome and their teachers before making their Sacrament that night. The Year 3s are preparing to make their First Eucharist the following week on Wednesday 24th November. A huge thank you to Fr Jerome, Maureen McDonald, Bernadette Milne, Year 6 and Year 3 teachers for their work to ensure the students celebrate their Sacraments this year. 


Next Thursday 18th November we have our 2022 Preps join us for their First Orientation Session. This will be done in two groups and Miss Jacquie and Ms Erica have worked hard behind the scenes to support our new students and their families.  I love popping into Foundation to visit our current students and share their learning, and when we meet our 2022 students we will realise how grown up our current Foundation students are.  We know these families new and current will be warmly welcomed into the St Mary's Primary School family! On the same day in the afternoon the Yr 6 Social Justice Leaders; Audrey, Lydia,  Elli-Grace and Milly and myself are meeting with Margaret and Sr Barbara as we organise the 2021 St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal. Our leaders will communicate this information in the next newsletter. 


As the pace of school is lifting and we are getting 'fitter' each day, Term 4 also sees some farewells.  Mary Craven finishes next Friday 19th November and we thank her for all she has given to the school in the last two years. We also congratulate Miss Anna Side on her appointment of Instructional Leader K-2 Literacy & Maths at St Mary's Bowraville NSW. Mrs Catherine Le Hunt has been appointed Learning Diversity Leader and Maths Leader for the next three years. Anna and Catherine have already started their extensive handover. We thank Anna for her work in this area of the school and know we are in good hands with Catherine's leadership.  Tania Thompson has kindly supported our school since Matt Ottobre moved on in Semester Two last year and stayed on to support us all this year. Tania's enormous work in the area of Senior Sport and Inter School Sport is acknowledged and much appreciated. Tania will continue with her current three days a week at her current school. We look forward to waving to Tania at sporting events next year. We are in the process of appointing a new Senior Physical Education Teacher. 


As always it is a delight having the students back and I share with you some of their Art and Italian work. I look forward to displaying works such as these around our 'new' school next year. 


Take care and wishing God's blessings and peace upon each of you. 

Mrs Cathy Ferrari