Denise's Message

Dear Families,


School Closure Day

A reminder to all parents of our School Closure Day on Friday 3rd December.

On this day all 2022 staff will meet together to begin the planning and preparation process for next year.

Out of school hours care is available for families who require this service. Please contact Susan on 0419 480 000 to make a booking.


End of Year Events

As you would all be aware the regulations regarding who can attend events and how many can attend have changed rapidly over the past couple of weeks, to the point where it is difficult to keep up with the changes. In other years St Michael's has held many events towards the end of the year celebrating sports day, awards ceremony, student leadership, graduation, and of course Christmas.

It has been a difficult decision to make but with the consultation of the leadership team and staff, I have decided to limit these events this year. The reasons for this are based on COVID safety considerations and the wish for all families in our community to be able to enjoy a Christmas and holiday period with family and friends without worrying about being exposed to COVID risks or quarantine time due to participation in the whole school activities. I thank you in advance for your understanding in this matter.


Please note the following details for upcoming events:


School Sports Day - Thursday 2nd December

This will be held at the Flemington Rd Oval throughout the day. Classes will go over separately to participate in their sports activities and the Sports team winner and House Spirit winning team will be announced the following day. Your child's class teacher will inform you of the time they will be attending the sports day. You are welcome to attend but are asked not to mix with the school children and to watch from the boundaries.


Swimming Program

Children will attend swimming lessons each day of the week beginning Monday 6th Dec - Fri 10th Dec at Carlton Baths, Rathdowne St. Again your child's class teacher will inform you of the time they will be attending swimming. You are welcome to attend but must abide by all regulations as set out by the swimming centre. Parents/carers are not able to travel on the school bus.


Christmas Carols

Each class will perform their carols during school time and this will be put together into a video clip that will be shared with all families via Class Dojo.


End of Year Liturgy

The end of school year mass at St Michael's Church will be on Wednesday 8th December at 2:30pm. Families are welcome to attend but all over 12 years must be double vaccinated.


End of Year Awards

The school academic and endeavour awards will be presented at an assembly on Friday 10th December.


I thank you for your understanding of the reasons for not gathering as a whole school group during this time but we look forward, with great anticipation to being able to resume such events and gather together in 2022.


Class Groups 2022

In 2022 the following class structure will be in place:

Prep - 2 class groups

Year 1 - 2 class groups

Year 2 - 2 class groups

Year 3/4 - 3 class groups

Year 5/6 - 2 class groups


We are in the process of finalising teaching and support staff for 2022. Notification of staff positions for 2022 will be sent to families next week.


School Leadership 2022

I am pleased and proud to present the school leadership for 2022:

Principal:                                                   Denise Hussey

Deputy Principal:                                    Steven Hubbard

Religious Education Leader:               Steven Hubbard

Learning & Teaching Leader:             Rita Totino

Wellbeing Leader:                                  Erin Jenkins

Literacy Leader P-2:                               Rita Totino

Literacy Leader 3-6:                               Angela Flint

Numeracy Leader P-6:                          Andrea Kirby

Student Diversity Leader:                    Erin Jenkins

Community Engagement Leader:     Fiona Dunne & Sarah Nicol

eLearning Leader:                                  Hayley Kermonde (Maternity Leave)


Our school is blessed to have such a professional and dedicated Leadership team. They bring great skills and knowledge to our school and have high expectations for learning for our students and our staff. 

I would especially like to thank Meg Phillips who stepped into the Numeracy Leadership Role during Semester 2 to replace Andrea while she was on maternity leave. Meg has done an exceptional job and has continued to raise the focus of teaching mathematics in our school. 


School Advisory Council

Chair report:


As a first term chair of the School Advisory Council (SAC) I am pleased to provide this report on our activities during the year that is fast finishing.


With the establishment of Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS), there have been changes to the responsibilities of the SAC.  The new entity allows Father Nicholas to concentrate more on the local parish with the administration of the school, along with all catholic schools in Melbourne, now managed by Denise and MACS.  The role of the SAC is to provide support to the principal of St Michael’s in an advisory capacity as the voice of the school’s parents. As a committee, we have met via zoom four times throughout the year.   


The Council would like to thank Denise and all her teaching and administration staff for working hard to provide the tools and opportunities for education and social connection for the students of St Michael’s in what has been a very challenging year.  I would also like to commend her on her leadership in managing the response to COVID exposure in the school community and for guiding us all through safely.


The Council also wishes to acknowledge the efforts of the St Michaels ‘Parents and Friends' who raise funds through the year for St Michaels.  Fundraising activities were reduced due to lockdown but the P&F managed some great activities and we thank everyone who helped out, under the leadership of Jane Rocca. As Denise mentioned in an earlier communication, Jane has resigned from her position on the P&F. We sincerely thank Jane for her efforts over a number of years to benefit the children at the school. There is subsequently an opportunity for interested parents to join the P&F and we warmly welcome anyone able to volunteer several hours per term for the support of the school.  Please contact Denise or myself.


As you all know, the building work has commenced after being delayed somewhat by COVID restrictions. Now that the build is underway, progress will be quick with large modules/sections being delivered and installed over the next 3-4 months. The new building will be a great addition to St Michael's and provide our children with state of the art learning spaces for years to come.


The SAC is pleased to be able to support Denise in her role, so we welcome comments and feedback to improve the St Michaels community.


On behalf of the Council, I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas and New Year.


Joe Greco

SAC Chair.


Expressions of Interest - P&F

St Michael’s is looking for parents to join our Parents and Friends Association.  We are asking for people interested in re-establishing this group to work together with the School Council in setting the guidelines for its role and activities within the school.

Being a part of the P&F is a wonderful way to support your child and our school to continue to grow as a strong and vibrant community.

Therefore we are calling on you to express your interest in being part of the Parents and Friends Association.

Please send through your interest via email to either myself or our SAC Chair Joe Greco


COVID Reminders

I will continue to keep you updated. It is essential that we all remain vigilant and follow the rules.

  • If your child is unwell - do not send them to school.
  • If anyone in your household has any COVID-19 symptoms, please get tested and stay at home until you receive a negative test result.
  • If your child tests positive, notify the school immediately.
  • Students in Year 3-6 and all adults still need to wear a mask while indoors at school.
  • Only people with double vaccination status can enter the school building.


Denise Hussey 



'The most simple thing I can do is to be good today but better tomorrow'

Catherine McAuley - Mercy Sisters Foundress



All students attending St Michael's Primary School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety, and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.