Grade 5 student, Abi Pederick-Stewart, is donating her hair to children who have none.

It currently reaches down her thighs, and I'm sure you've seen it in its super-long plait every day at school. When it's cut, we'll send it to Variety, the children's charity, and it will go towards making a wig for someone in need--whether their lack of hair is caused by illness and treatment (like cancer and chemo) or another medical condition (such as alopecia).


Abi's hair hasn't been cut, other than occasional trimming of ends, since she was born, so she'll be donating over ten years worth of growth! If you'd like to see it out of its plait, check out the photo-- it was taken back in May after taking out braids, and it's longer when it's wet.




We've organised a fundraiser for her big chop, to help cover the cost of one wig for a child who needs it.   We've set a target of $1,000, but since wigs cost families up to $6,000, we'd love to raise heaps more. Wigs only last 1-2 years, meaning families can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of wigs throughout a child’s youth. By making a donation to Variety - the Children's Charity, you can help provide a wig or other vital equipment to a child in need. Thank you for helping kids in need.  Funds go direct to Variety through the link, and all donations are very much appreciated by them.  


Thank you so much for your support.

 Abi Pederick-Stewart and her mum Amanda Pederick