Principal's Message
Principal's Message
Grade 3/4 Camp
It has been fantastic that we were able to still provide a camping experience this week for our grade 3/4 students, who headed off on Wednesday to Camp Cooriemungle. A highlight for me was travelling down yesterday to visit the group and spend a good portion of the day with them whilst they participated in canoeing, the flying fox, giant swing and low ropes course. The day before following their arrival they did archery and also went fishing and they will be visiting Tower Hill on their way home today. I don’t want to ‘steal their thunder’ and share all of the amazing details – you will have to wait until the children return later today, or for the newsletter next week! All I can say is that the children have been amazing, as have our staff, and those at Cooriemungle running the camp and activities. The smiles and stories of excitement from the children have been tremendous. I would like to thank the staff, along with School Council for making it possible for this activity to go ahead. Thanks also to Brad White and Damien Logan for going along to assist, and the terrific job they both did. We look forward to the students returning at around 4:00pm tonight, no doubt they will all be rather tired!
Grade 6 Swimming
Our senior students had their final session of swimming today and like the grade 3/4 camp, it was terrific that we were able to make this activity possible. Well done to all of the students on their achievements and the improvements they have made throughout the week.
Remembrance Day
Our school leaders, Captains Marli and Riley, and Student Voice Captains Maddox and Cairo, did an amazing job in leading our school through our own annual Remembrance Day Service. I’m told the attentiveness of all of our students was exceptional as we showed our respect for those who served our country, acknowledged at the end by one minute of silence. Thanks also to Mrs Murray for supporting our students though this service marking this important day in Australia’s history. LEST WE FORGET.
2022 Prep Students – Transition to School Program
On Tuesday we had our 2022 Prep students return for their second visit as a part of our transition to school program, once again conducted through two separate sessions. Next Tuesday we will be having all 38 students attend at the same time, from 9:15am to 12:45pm for our third session. This will be a great opportunity to see how students interact with children from the other group and will give teachers an insight into group dynamics as we begin the process of allocating the Prep children into one of the two classes we will have next year. All 2022 Prep children will then return on Tuesday 7th December for the State-wide Transition Day where children will come along to school for their final transition day to spend time in their class, and with their teachers for next year.
Grade 6 Transition Visits
We are now beyond the half-way mark of term 4 and this means our grade 6 students have only 5 weeks left in their primary school journey. As a part of their transition to secondary school, we had visitors from Baimbridge College on Wednesday and then from Monivae College on Thursday to talk to the students who will be attending their schools next year. This is an extremely important step in their preparation for secondary school and I’m told the children asked some great questions. No doubt our students are looking forward to attending their secondary schools of choice on Tuesday 7th December – although I’m sure there will still be some anxiety and further questions leading up to the day. If this is the case, please let me know and we will do what we can to support students in this next stage of schooling.
‘Dress to Impress Fundraiser’ and Book Week Dress Up Day
Information was included in the newsletter last week about the combined ‘Dress to Impress Fundraiser’ and ‘Book Week Dress Up Day’ which will be taking place on Friday 3rd December. No matter what your child chooses to wear, we hope this will be a lot of fun for all and will also raise some funds to purchase a much needed MRI machine for the residents of Hamilton and surrounding areas.
Grade 5/6 Camp
Our senior students are now looking ahead to their camp at Kangaroobie which will take place from Monday 22nd through until Wednesday 24th November. This is sure to be a great experience too for our older students and I too am very much looking forward to being a part of this. A reminder to families that all forms and money MUST be returned by next Wednesday please.
Book Fair
Our Scholastic Book Fair stalls arrived yesterday and our library is now set up and ready to go for this to take place throughout all of next week. Classes will be shown the items available at the Book Fair and children will have the opportunity to complete a ‘wish list’ to bring home for parents to then choose if and what they would like to purchase. This year all purchases are to be made online and full details are included on the notice that will be coming home, but is also included further in this newsletter. Any questions please call Leesa in the office – who has done an amazing job getting all of this organised.
Billy G Cookie Dough
It is only one week since we launched this fundraising drive (again, thank you Leesa) and an amazing 394 tubs of cookie dough have been sold already. This means a total profit of $1,182.00 has already been raised by our school. All orders need to please be finalised by Wednesday 24th November.
School Photos
A reminder that our School Photos will be taking place on Tuesday 30th November. Information is included further in this newsletter with all purchases also to be made online.
Wishing you all a great weekend!
Ben Kelson