What we have been upto..

Portraits of Respect
As part of the ‘It’s About Humanity not Rigid Gender Stereotypes’ project, the year seven SRC group and others led a portraits of respect activity for all of the Year 7 mentor group that would continue throughout the school.
We asked Year 7s questions about what kind of gender stereotypes they recognised in our community, what impacts they have, and what a world would look like free of harmful gender stereotypes.
The conversation included reflections of the harmful constraints that are placed on people and how we want our generation to drive cultures of respect for difference. Everyone wrote a ‘Portraits for Respect’ message which they would have their photo taken with to put up in different places around the school, on Instagram and in the foyer next to the Castlemaine library.
Next week our school teachers will have a special staff meeting lead by the SRC. Part of this meeting will have the Year 7 SRC members lead Portraits for Respect training so that the teachers can then lead the session in the Year 8 to 11 mentor groups. The remaining Portraits for Respect project will then run during our two week step up program from 30th November till 10th of December, matching part of our broader Castlemaine communities 16 Days of Activism program.
SRC would really like to thank Carolyn Neilson from Central Victorian Primary Care Partnership, for her support, care and training for the Portraits for Respect project.
By Edie Whitesmith 7A
Warrarrak Activities 2021
Warrarrak is for young Aboriginal women and non-binary people between the ages of 12 and 25. Meeting fortnightly during the school term, we engage in soul and community building activities on Country. We learn about women's business, traditional ceremony, and anything else that interests our beautiful members. We hope this will help ground the youth in our Community and help them feel more connected to each other and our Culture. Our dream is also that our amazing young people learn to become more present, strong and independent adults. So far we have met in the Nalderun room at Blakeley Road campus to plan activities, done a weaving workshop in the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens, chosen a rock for carving at the Res, and worked with Peter at Daylesford to shape our stones into pendants. Our outings include a picnic and lots of chats. All First Nations young women and non-binary people are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Raft Building
Tabloid Sports Day