PTF News

Canteen News

Canteen is able to be in operation under strict conditions and as of Monday 8th November all volunteers must provide proof of their double vaccination (to the front office) and not attend if they have any flu-like symptoms. 

Uniform Order

Just a reminder that Uniform Orders need to be sent into the office (with proof of payment made to the PTF) by tomorrow, Tuesday 16th November. Unfortunately no late orders can be accepted.


Boys Uniform: 

Shorts: If you need to order new shorts or socks for boys, please order grey as these are our new uniform item that we are transitioning into at the start of the 2022 school year.

Grey Sock: There have been many discussions around the quality of the LW Reid socks. The new grey socks can be ordered online from Lowes in Tamworth (please see picture below).

Lemon Short Sleeve Shirts: At the moment there is a global shortage of Lemon Short Sleeve Shirts from our supplier Midford. We do have some stock in our Uniform Shop so if you are wanting to order these, please do so. If we don't have the stock available for you we will discuss your alternatives.



If you would like a hardcopy of the Uniform Order Form, please contact Ms Traynor in the Office.


Term 4 PTF Meeting

The Term 4 PTF Meeting is scheduled for Monday 6th December. This meeting will be held at school commencing at 3pm.


Bale of Hay

If anyone can donate a bale of hay for the front garden please contact Fran or Robyn.