Kinder enrolments 2022

Three-Year-Old Kindergarten will be funded in 2022 


Do you know a child who will be turn three by April 30 2022? 

Every child deserves the opportunity to have the best start. That’s why Three-Year-Old Kindergarten will be funded from 2022. This means an extra year of learning, playing and making friends for children.


From next year, Oakleigh PS Kindergarten will be offering five hours a week of a funded Three-Year-Old Kindergarten program. 


Currently, the Victorian Government funds kindergarten programs in the year before school, which is known as ‘Four-Year-Old Kindergarten’.


Research shows that two years of kindergarten are better than one. And these benefits last into school years and beyond.


Just like with Four-Year-Old Kindergarten, Three-Year-Old Kindergarten programs will be tailored to meet the needs of children. Qualified teachers will support children’s learning and development through play-based learning. 


For more information visit


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2022 Enrolments


Please ensure you have put in your group preferences to the City of Monash by June 30 2021. If you know a family that has not yet enrolled they need to do so by June 30 to be considered for a first round offer. 


We will receive the list of allocation is August once offers have been issued and accepted. Then we will contact families in regards to finalising their 2022 enrolments including applying for Extended Care if required. All kinder families are eligible to enrol for Extended Care with priority given to Green group children.