National Quality Standard-Quality Area 3- Physical environment 

Update on kinder improvements

The walkway alongside the kinder building has now been covered and guttering installed, this improvement is keeping our outside bag area and our family sign in area nice and dry for children, staff and families.

We also had a sand table removed from the sandpit that was deteriorating, had a retractable hose installed for the garden and our own very handy Jane (Purple group teacher) has installed latches on some of our doors. 

A big thank you to all of our staff for the extra work that they do around kinder to keep it looking lovely and to maintain a safe and happy space for children, staff and families alike!


Working Bee- 

Thank you to our staff and families who came along on May 8th to give the kinder a much needed clean up. If you were unable to attend there will be another opportunity later in the year, these working bees are always a great chance to meet other families and give us a hand to keep kinder ship shape!


"The aim of Quality Area 3 under the National Quality Standard is to ensure that the physical environment is safe, suitable and provides a rich and diverse range of experiences that promote children’s learning and development.

The way that the environment is designed, equipped and organised determines the way that the space and resources are used and has the potential to maximise children’s engagement and level of positive experience and inclusive relationships."


Kinder staff are currently auditing our resources and facilities in order to identify further areas for improvement in response to our current focus on this quality area.