3 year old kinder

The cold weather has really begun this month but that has not stopped our three year old groups from exploring the outside environment and developing their gross motor skills with climbing, large block building, balancing on beams and bike riding. 


Group time experiences with bean bag passing and throwing have supported the children in strengthening and coordinating the large muscles in their arms, torso and legs. This develops the children’s ability to plan, and execute activities with increasing coordination, confidence and control. This can also been seen in their enjoyment of dancing experiences. 


Throughout the kinder sessions we have focused on encouraging the children’s social development through sharing and turn-taking board games and working together activities. 


The groups have also been engaging in experiences that continue to promote fine motor development such as cutting activities, tiny brush painting and playdough creating as well as responding to stories through art and imaginative small world play


Over the next few weeks before the school holidays we look forward to meeting with our families for a chat about your child’s growth and development.