Foundation Students

Celebrating our  fabulous Foundies!

FA - Miss Zoe

Emerson followed along on your WebEx, and beautifully completed her Sound Waves page for our letter sound ‘ch’. Neat work, Emerson! 

Foundation A enjoyed their PJ day on Friday. It was great to see everyone looking so cosy and having some fun online. You have all put in such a wonderful effort at home with supporting your little one during this time. Thank you so much. 


Foundation families - You are all amazing!

FB - Miss Ady

Foundation B students have been absolute super star learners over the past two weeks. We have loved seeing their positive and happy faces over WebEx and the work they have been sending through to Seesaw is most impressive!


Alina V has really loved playing ‘Get out of my House’ as one of her Maths activities this week.

Quinn B always loves to draw to help her with her ideas for writing. Here is an example of her amazing work where she wrote about an alien wearing underpants! 

FC - Miss Lou and Mrs Clancy

The Foundation C students have been working so beautifully at home. Thank you to all of the parents for your support and hard work!!


The students have being learning that when you put the letter c and h together it makes a new sound, 'ch.' They learnt the chant, ‘chickens cheep - ch, ch, ch’, and then completed an activity out of their SoundWaves book to reinforce their learning. 

Sophie S
Sophie S

Foundation C have been having fun at home and working hard. They have been solving addition stories and problems with their toys.

As you can see... they are doing a wonderful job!

Sadie G
Sadie G