Residential Manager

The College Ball will be held in Spring this year...

Country Week

The Country Week squad is heading off mid-morning on Sunday the 27th June 2021.  Students will be travelling in their sports uniform.  The grooming and jewellery rules still apply for students while at Country Week.  Students and staff will be attending the closing ceremony on Friday 2nd July 2021 unless they are flying out of Perth that morning.  Parents can collect their student from the parking area (you will see the College coach and buses) after the closing ceremony.  A staff member is required to remain with the students until pick up by parents.  We require parents to be at the venue as close to 2.15pm as possible as staff will be returning to Denmark that afternoon.


45 students will travel as a team in College buses to Perth on the Sunday, departing the College at approximately 10am.  Lunch will be provided during transit.  We will be travelling on Denbarker Road to Mt Barker and from there to Perth along Albany Highway. There will be various stops en route for refreshments and toilet breaks. Various stops on Albany Highway may include, Mt Barker, Kojonup, Williams, and North Bannister.


As Friday 2nd July, 2021 is the last day of term, students will be able to depart directly from Perth with parents, picking up at HBF stadium no later than 1.45pm. Return travel will need to be organised with Country Week Coordinator: Ms Kelli Gillies, no later than Friday 25 June, 2021.


College buses will be returning to Denmark on Friday 2nd July, 2021, departing Perth (after the closing ceremony) at  1.45 pm arriving in Denmark approximately 8.30pm. Students returning to Denmark will require a parent/guardian to be available to pick them up from the College when the bus returns (mobile communication on the day will confirm arrival time).  Please submit your leave arrangements for Country Week into REACH.


Parents will be able to pick up their son/daughter en route from Perth to Denmark e.g. Williams, Kojonup, Mt Barker etc. It is imperative that parents/guardians are at the drop off point at the arranged time to avoid delays. Please discuss returning home travel with your child as soon as possible so arrangements can be made.

College Ball

The College Ball will be held in Spring this year. Mark your Calendar now for Friday 10th September, 2021. We are flagging this with parents/carers now as September is a very busy month with Open Day (4th September) Travel Day (7th  September) back for the Ball (10th September). So, should you need to make travel and/or accommodation arrangements, you can book well ahead. The warmer months also attract a lot of tourists to Denmark and we want to make sure you don't miss out. More details about the Ball will be released in coming months.

REACH - Extra Detail in the Notes

Early departure on REACH. If your child has an appointment that requires an early departure from the program, please provide details of this information in the notes of REACH.  A phone call to the college would also be appropriate if your child is missing classes.


Students are required to wear their class uniform when they are walking or being transported in to town after school, Monday to Friday, for shopping purposes. Students are not permitted in town or in the shops in their blues or sports uniforms.  If students are walking in to town they must be in pairs or in a group. Students are not permitted to walk by themselves into town.

Leavers Jackets

As many of you would be aware, the Leavers Jackets should arrive either during the term break or just after we return in Term 3.  The delay was caused due to the cut-off date having to be re-opened several times due to late orders.  The plan for next year, is to get our current Year 11’s to finalise their design in Term 3, 2021. A letter will go out to parents in Term 4, 2021 with a link to place the order, and there will also be a Facebook post with the link to the Reform site for orders to be placed. 

Lost Property & Laundry

The laundry has a large number of clothing items in their lost property.  We have tried various different ways for students to claim their items however the pile is not diminishing.  We ask parents/carers, if you are at the College for any reason, please take the time to speak with our laundry ladies and check the lost property for any clothing that your child may be missing.


Our laundry staff have made a request that students take their clothing to the laundry in small lots every day rather than accumulating their washing.  Students are over-filling their laundry bags, which is causing multiple issues for laundry staff.  Could parents please remind their child to be respectful of the ladies and turn their washing in the right way, socks etc and sort it into the bags provided in the laundry.  Carol, Marie and Nang do an amazing job in the laundry so all reminders to students by parents would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.


Clothing without name tags will be displayed on the table for collection when the laundry is staffed, otherwise it will be packed away until the following shift.  A record of lost clothing is kept in the laundry.  If students have lost an item of clothing, please report it to the laundry staff.


Second hand uniforms are also available in the laundry.  Check with our laundry ladies if you need to change sizes of clothing before buying anything new.  We welcome donations of the College uniform (in good condition) as students leave the College.  


Reach Installation

We still have some students who are not using Reach due to outdated phones and/or devices. However, you can log on through a College computer and use a browser to access Reach. Parents, if you are having issues with the App, please log on through your browser and/or approve leave via the email you receive, once your child has submitted a leave request. Please note….I will not approve last minute leave.  Please have your leave organised prior to the weekend.

Health & Wellbeing

The College continues to provide support to students requiring doctors and other health related appointments. Where possible these appointments are made outside of school hours to minimise disruption to the school program. For any follow up appointments with specialists, the College asks parents and carers where possible to make these during school holidays.  Please contact the College if your child has any medical imaging needs before appointments are made in Albany.  


When students are ill in residence the College will provide immediate care and will arrange necessary medical appointments. To minimise the spread of illness all students who are unwell are required to remain in their rooms, eat after all other students and minimise contact with other students until recovered. If students are unable to participate in the learning program for more than one day the College will contact families to discuss alternative care arrangements.


A reminder that we require students to hand in any medication that they have to residential staff where medication is recorded, stored and administered from the Residential Office.

Travel Arrangements - End of Term

The College will organise travel arrangements for end of Term 2 so please advise the College of your child's travel arrangements.  The College will book outward travel, however return journey is booked by the parent/guardian. This must be booked to arrive early afternoon, preferably into Denmark. Late arrival will incur a pick up fee (if the student is arriving into Albany) of $100.00. If your child is participating in Countryweek, please refer to the article (above) for specific information about travel for that event. 

Kelli Gillies Residential Manager
Kelli Gillies Residential Manager