Artes Visuales 

(Visual Arts)



This week in Art, the F/1s started a new project linking to their Inquiry topic in which they are learning about the seasons of the year. While our last project was based around reinforcing learning and Spanish vocabulary development related to weather phenomena, we are now building vocab and understanding about the four seasons (primavera, verano, otoño e invierno). The students will be doing a multimedia painting/printmaking work in which they represent the season that their birthday is in. 

For our next project we will be learning about the seven seasons of the Kulin peoples. The students will be making some 3D sculptural objects using papier mache. If any families have some old newspapers to donate to the Art room we would really appreciate it! :)





The 2/3s are excited to make their 'final copy' of their animal on Monday using air-dry clay. So far, we have sketched and labelled our ideas, and done some practising of different techniques we can use to shape and add texture to clay. The students are keen to put this preparation into practise next week! This project is linked to the 2/3s Inquiry project in which they are learning about biological sciences, and animal habitats in particular. 





The 4/5/6s have been working on their designs for their 3D printed wearable Art pieces. After sketching their ideas, the students are now using an online program called Tinkercad to build their 3D designs. I have been very impressed by how quickly the students have developed their skills in using this program! They have been eager to learn through experimentation and the designs are coming along very nicely. This project is linked to the 4/5/6 Inquiry topic of technology and innovation. We are looking forward to printing and painting the designs in the coming weeks.


Jewellery designs by Vincent
Pendant designs by Cassidy
Bracelet design by Sebastian
Jewellery designs by Vincent
Pendant designs by Cassidy
Bracelet design by Sebastian