
Last week during SWELL Group 4 Jen and Faith thought they would take this group on a trip to Africa. Jen spoke about the great wildlife migration, conservation and sustainability issues there. Jen prepared a short PowerPoint, to inspire the children to create some happy, well sustained animals grazing in the Masai Mara. The children used the basis of Giacometti figures, doing some work with armature and clay, creating some migratory and Masai Mara animals. Look out for this fabulous display -coming soon!

We continue to be amazed at the exciting sessions Jen and Faith prepare each week. Lots of great learning, socialising with all year levels and fun too! 

Thanks again Jen and Faith.



Learning Diversity & Wellbeing Leader




Last Wednesday at SWELL Art it was Group 4’s turn to create art pieces. As we are focusing on the environment and sustainability this term, we made African animals out of clay. Some of the animals we could make were Elephants, Lions and Gazelles. Our main learning focus was the Wildebeest. This activity was very enjoyable. I also enjoyed spending time with my Prep buddy and moulding my animal which was an Elephant. 

By Eden Year 6


Thanks to Jen and Faith for another SWELL art session. Have a look out for this display which will appear very soon in the corridor near Mrs. Stewart’s office.