House Procedures


Parents are required to notify the College when their child is absent, arrives late or needs to leave the College early.

Parents are encouraged to notify the House via the school's dedicated absence line.


Yellow House - 9365 8034

Green House - 9365 8015

Blue House - 9365 8041

Red House -  9365 8017


The absence line number is advertised in the school diary and website.

Upon return from an absence, students are to hand in absence notes or medical forms to the house or given to their Homegroup teacher.


Students who arrive after homegroup are to report to their house to sign in.


A SMS will be sent home asking for acknowledgement of the late arrival or absence.


Students who have a note from home requesting to leave early must report to their HOUSE (preferably before school or during recess) to receive their leave approval.

Early leaver requests can also be called through the house.