Message from Principal Sarah 

From Sarah Nightingale, Principal

Thank You to the School Community

As I write my final principal report for Term 2, I cannot express how grateful I am to all the staff, students, and families at North Melbourne Primary School. The past month has thrown many challenges at us as a school community with the return to remote and flexible learning, school closures, and yet another safe return to school, however, I am proud to say that our resilience and tenacity has seen us through it all and it is now back to business as usual.


At NMPS, we are dedicated to ensuring the learning and wellbeing of our students, staff, and families remain at the forefront while we constantly adapt and respond to new developments. Our students, staff, and families have shown great flexibility and agility this term. As a community we are increasingly aware of the possibility of how quickly things can change, however together we have proven we can rise above! 


So once again, thank you to our whole school community for your understanding and support throughout the term and this most recent turmoil.


Student Reports

This term teachers have been assessing student learning achievement and writing student reports, celebrating student learning growth throughout Semester One. Student reports will be shared with parents via Compass on Thursday 24th June. We encourage parents to read and reflect upon their child/ren’s report/s and celebrate their successes.

Visitors to School Grounds 

(As published on Compass).

Due to updated Departmental Guidelines, it is now a requirement that all visitors, parents, and caregivers who enter any buildings on the school site must now sign in via BOTH the QR code and the Compass Kiosk located at the office.


This is to ensure we have accurate records of people onsite and to enable the effective tracing of any COVID-19 cases.


This is not required for those who come onto the school grounds for drop-offs and pick-ups unless you intend to enter a school building.


All visitors to school grounds must comply with physical distancing and face mask requirements, and practice good hand hygiene. The density limit of 1 person per 4 square meters should be applied to any spaces, including the front office.


New Campus Update



As we close out Term 2, I wanted to let you know that our school leadership team has been busy behind the scenes working with the Victorian School Building Authority - North Melbourne Primary School (new campus) project team in the lead up to the start of construction.


On the VSBA website North Melbourne Primary School (new campus) page you’ll also find a site plan (see below). The plan highlights the building and play spaces along with the six different entrance points into the campus to make access easy for students and families from various parts of North Melbourne.  


In Term 3, we look forward to sharing: 

  • more information about our exciting new campus facilities including what new indoor and outdoor teaching and learning environments there will be, and the range of settings and experiences that will be on offer for students
  • an update on what early-stage construction works are expected to start mid-year


In the interim, you can keep up to date with any project news by following the VSBA’s latest news on Twitter,  Facebook, and LinkedIn and subscribing to the project update newsletter on the VSBA website North Melbourne Primary School (new campus) page.


Should you have any queries about the project, you can get in contact with the VSBA project information officer via email  or telephone 1800 896 950.


You can also email the school at if you have any questions.


Last Day of Term

Have a safe and warm semester break.
Have a safe and warm semester break.



Our last day of Term 2 is Friday 25th June. Students will be dismissed from the grassketball court at 1:30 pm after our whole school assembly. Unfortunately, due to the current COVID restrictions, this assembly is for students and staff only


I wish all families a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable break. We look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Tuesday 13th July (noting that Monday 12th July is a Pupil Free Day). Happy and Safe Holidays!