Student Awards

Friday 21st May


Foundation: Nahkyah

What a 5 star learner you are Nahkyah! The resilience you have shown with your magic words has been outstanding. It is great to see you sounding out the words that you are stuck on! Keep up the amazing work.


Senior A : Jaslyn

Jaslyn, you are such a role model for how to show resilience! You have such a positive attitude. If things aren’t quite what you expect, you just roll with it. This is such a great skill to have, keep up the fantastic attitude! 


ART: Wilder

What an amazing caterpillar you made, Wilder. You carefully added your details and demonstrated Excellence. Keep up the great art work. 


SCIENCE: Foundation

Congratulations on another fantastic science session. You are all showing excellence and resilience throughout each investigation. Keep up the awesome work. 


Mrs Black: Zel

You really understand how to 'hook' the reader into your stories - Starting with a verb, in the thick of the action. Great writing!