
Global Studies, Science, Visual Arts, P.E

Global Studies, Ethics and Indonesian


Our Foundation, junior and middle students have been learning the importance of respect, friendship and the importance of why we have rules. The students understand that rules are generally there for our safety and that we would not be as safe without rules.


Our Senior students have been away at camp, and I hope they have had a fantastic week.


This week we celebrate reconciliation week. However, we will do more activities with this when we return to school. The students will be learning why this week is important and how we build respectful relationships with each other and with indigenous Australians. This will be a week of discovery of culture from books and through art.


Wishing you all a great week.


Kym Wallace


Physical Education


Our Foundation students have been working on participation and resilience. Trying their best and having a go! has been our primary focus over the last couple of weeks. They have also continued to work on their 'ball bouncing' skills, focusing on bouncing with their fingertips and bending their wrist and elbow when they reflect the ball. All students should be proud, giving each activity a go.


Our Junior students have focused on fair play and sportsmanship. We have worked on using respectful language to support our peers and offer feedback. We have also continued to work on our two-handed side-arm strike, refining these skills and playing a modified game of T-ball.


Middle and Senior students have also focused on fair play and sportsmanship. They have been able to show an increase in respectful language whilst supporting their peers and offering feedback. Some students can get frustrated when they lose or become out of a game. It is vital to talk about losing and that it is okay to fail. We have discussed that it gives us motivation and strategies to use next time we play.


A reminder to all Division Cross Country competitors: please mark attending or not on Sentral. Students need to make their own way to the track, and a parent/carer must be there supervising and supporting them.


Thank you,

Kate Green



Foundation students have been working on "What's it made of? which explores what objects are made of such as glass, paper, wood and fabric. We have had so much fun investigating scenarios such as if our gumboots were made of paper and singing Mr Clicketty Cane. 


Juniors have been working through a series of experiments exploring mixtures and solutions. We have focused on our observations and being able to explain the difference between a mixture and solution. 


Middle school have completed several experiments to determine what makes the best package to transport something safely to it's destination. So far we have explored shapes, different types of packaging such as plastic, cardboard and paper and what the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary packaging is. 


Senior school have shown such patience with our experiments. We have set up a long term rust investigation and we can't wait to complete it next week. 

Visual Arts

Wanted: an old (but working!) stick blender. If you have one lying around home and would love to donate it to the art room, please let me know! 


Foundation students have been working hard on their fabric caterpillars this week. They have added lots of details and should be very proud! We now move on to looking at elements of art and creating Truffula Trees as seen in The Lorax.


Juniors are continually developing their modelling skills, working with Plasticine, Playdough and Paper Magiclay. They have been creating super cute birds, fish and will move on to working with air-dry clay to create turtles! 


Middles are nearly finished their piggy banks. A long project, but well worth it! Well done showing fantastic resilience and persistence to complete these. 


Keep your eyes and ears open for news about our upcoming Art Show later in the year. We have started storing away some special pieces that our students have been working on to display at the Art Show! 


Rebecca Bertrand