Middle School News
Since our last newsletter students in Middle school have been working hard in all areas of the curriculum.
In Literacy, students have been working on being able to infer meaning by ‘reading between the lines’. They have been using clues from the text, combined with things that they already know to understand what is happening in a text. This skill is very helpful when discussing the motivations and feelings of characters in a book. You can support your child to develop this skill when reading together, or even when watching a movie. Questions such as, “How do you think they were feeling when that happened?’ or ‘What do you think they will do next?’ can help your child to think more deeply about what is happening in a story.
In Maths students have been looking at Location & Transformation. They have been looking at how to read maps and give directions. This week we have also been revising clockwise and counter-clockwise turns.
Monday 31st May - Twilight School (12:00-6:30pm)
Wednesday 16th June - Whole School Athletics Day
Friday 25th June - Last Day of term 2, 2:30pm finish