Acting Principal's Report

Remote Learning Thank You

Thank you to all families for making the effort to get students online this week. It has been wonderful to see the majority of our students in Zoom classes! 

In addition to 9am-10am classroom zooms, next week students will participate in two Specialist classes via zoom, and will take part in some small group or one on one zoom sessions, so we can further support their individual learning needs. Parents, please keep an eye on your emails for details about your children's Remote Learning. 

Welcome Mr Wells!

Welcome to Kilsyth Primary School, Mr Wells! David Wells will be our Acting Principal for the remainder of Term 2. We've enjoyed getting to know him and look forward to having students back onsite, so they can get to know him more over the remaining weeks of term. 

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

As a school, we have been recognised for the wonderful work we do with PBS. We have been awarded the Silver recognition, and will be funded with $1000 to continue our PBS work. Congratulations to our whole school community, and especially to our PBS Leader, Miss Shannen May, who continues to lead our school approach to PBS. 

Congratulations Ms Meilak!

After 6 and a half years of working at Kilsyth Primary School, in various year levels, Ms Fiona Meilak will be moving on to a new school for Terms 3 and 4 this year. This is a move that will broaden her experience and provide her the opportunity to share the range of skills she has learned as a teacher at KPS, with the broader education community. We wish her all the very best in Semester 2.


Beginning as Middle A’s teacher in Term 3, we welcome Mr Taila (Tyler) Donald, who has over 20 years’ experience as a teacher, and is excited to be joining our school community. Taila will build positive relationships with the whole school community in no time, and will be a wonderful fit for the Middle A classroom. We are very pleased to have Mr Donald joining our staff team for Terms 3 and 4. Middle A will have the chance to meet Mr Donald via zoom next week. Parents, keep an eye on your emails for when this will occur.