REC News

Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been great to see so many families supporting our school this year. Next week, our school will celebrate the Ascension of the Lord on Thursday, 18th May, at 2 pm at St. Andrew’s Church. All families are welcome to attend.
The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord traditionally falls 40 days after Jesus’ resurrection. According to the Scripture, Jesus ascended into heaven, as witnessed by his disciples. Before ascending to heaven, Jesus told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit to come to them. The disciples stayed in Jerusalem and prayed for nine days until Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came to the disciples. The Ascension of the Lord is a holy day of obligation, which means we are obligated to attend Mass for this event.
We are excited to celebrate our first of three Sacraments in the next few weeks. Our Year 2 students who are Baptised Catholics will be completing their Sacrament of Penance (First Reconciliation).
As part of the Sacramental preparation, we invite families to attend our Rite of Enrolment Family Mass on Sunday, 28th May, at 10 am. An invite has been sent via Compass. Any families wishing to participate in the Mass are encouraged to complete the Google Form linked in the Compass post.
Please see the below information for Reconciliation dates:
Parent Information Night for Sacrament of Reconciliation
Wednesday 24th May, 5.30 pm, St. Andrew’s Church
Rite of Enrolment for Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sunday 28th May, 10 am at St Andrew’s Church
Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation)
Wednesday 7th June, 6 pm at St Andrew’s Church.
Yours in faith,
Mrs Karlee Hatton
Religious Education Coordinator