Inside the Classroom


Primary classes are enjoying having the opportunity to participate in pottery this term with Mr Windsor. The students in Class 13 have been making prints with leaves and stamps. The students also enjoyed participating at Harvest.

Class 6 have been busy completing work tasks in their classroom. It is great to see them working hard and progressing in their learning journey.

Class 5 are always busy with lots of learning happening with the students engaging in a range of activities in the classroom and around the school. 

Class 12 have been exploring the school and making the most of their learning experiences. Tyrrell enjoyed making purchases at Mini Woolies, Jaykeem has been walking around the playground with Mrs Jennie Kempson, whilst Luke, Piper and Lincoln have been completing activities in the classroom

Class 11 enjoyed participating at Harvest. The students were careful when cutting the grapes and enjoyed the music and sausage sizzle.


Kari Priest

Assistant Principal

Stage 4

Stage 4 Swim School is underway and runs for weeks 2-3. The students and staff are organised and working to a tight routine, giving the students the best opportunity to spend time in the pool learning new skills. They are amazing and growing in confidence at every level. Mrs Callaway, Mrs Matthews, and Mrs Corcoran are such an asset to the students with incredible Learn to Swim abilities. The program enables more competent swimmers to streamline strokes and breathing techniques. Students are in a small group with equipment, facilities, and staff patiently instructing them and they are blossoming.  


Students working on water confidence and safety are learning to trust themselves floating on their backs and going underwater to catch objects. They are also learning to follow instructions, wait on others and be safe around the edge of the pool. It is amazing to watch them try hard with different strokes and moving through the water.  


Students are efficient with getting themselves ready for the pool and managing their belongings under the watchful eye of staff. They are getting themselves changed and keeping their clothes organised at the pool ready for transport back to school. As the first week progressed, they were a little tired however their enthusiasm remained each day.  

A big thank you to the staff around the pool keeping things running smoothly, helping students in and out of the pool, changing and gathering wet items for the next day. Congratulations everyone on a job well done! 


I huge thank you too to Mrs Chapman, Mr Stein, Miss Ellie and Mrs Lloyd for braving the water to assist the students and instructors. 

Stage 5

Stage 5 visited the RSL Museum to gain a deeper understanding of local soldiers who fought at WW1 and WW2 to compliment work they have done around ANZAC Day. Students were able to view artifacts from both World Wars including weapons, uniforms, medals and ration packs. All students were deeply engaged with the displays and asked great questions to help them understand the sacrifice of the soldiers. A big thank you to the Orange RSL Sub-Branch who opened the Museum specially for our visit.  

We were fortunate to participate in a presentation with Nick Timmings, a winter Olympian who has represented Australia in the sport of Skeleton. Nick spoke to students about Skeleton technique, equipment and shared some interesting stories. He spoke about striving to become better, even when he had missed out on opportunities, and never giving up.  Students enjoyed hearing about Nick’s background in sport, his sporting career highlights as well as passing around and looking closely at his spikes, helmet and bodysuit.

Last week Mr Low and Mr Wilson took some of our year 10 and 11 students to Tafe for a Trade Readiness course in Carpentry.  The 2 day course is an introduction to Construction as a career. Students learnt about safe work practices, reading plans, handling of tools and worksite preparation. They worked on building a folding chair, or ‘smoko stool’ as it’s called in the trade industry. Well done boys, it looked like a great time!

Elke Cunial

Stage 5 Leader

Stage 6

Students had some fun at the end of term 1 thanks to a special 'Easter' visitor who left some yummy gifts in the stage 6 senior space. 

Over the past month Primary industries students have busy preparing for harvest and ensuring the grapes were ready for harvest by carrying out tests on the grapes. During our first week back in term 2 students started harvesting the grapes over 3 days and enjoyed on the final day the whole school helping with harvest, with a special Harvest Celebration. 

Stage 6 students have been busy working at new Mini-Woolworths as part of our in work-experience. Each Tuesday we have been opening the shop to sell goods to classes by operating the check out, handling money and even helping with delivery of grocery orders to classes. 

Last term some students from stage 5 and 6 were invited to attend an event run by Regional Development Australia with special guest speaker, Nedd Brockamn. Students enjoyed a sit down meal and were lucky enough to meet Nedd and ask him questions about his run across Australia. 

Last week Mr Low and Mr Wilson went to Tafe with some of our year 10 and year 11 students for a Trade Readiness course in Carpentry.  The 2 day course is an introduction to Construction as a career. Students learnt about safe work practices, reading plans, handling of tools and worksite preparation. They worked on building a folding chair, or ‘smoko stool’ as it’s called in the trade industry. All involved had a great time and enjoyed the Tafe expereince! 

Jess Hodder

Stage 6 Leader


This term we have welcomed some new students in both our classes and through the Suspension Centre and they are settling in well.

We enjoyed helping out with feeding the masses during the recent grape harvest and are really enjoying our own 'harvest'. The snow peas, leeks, and strawberries that were planted last term are almost ready to pick - Class 19 students tell me that the snow peas are really yummy!


Classes have dived into film and novel studies this term; focusing on "True Spirit" by Jessica Watson and "Wonder" by R.J Palacio. We continue to supplement our learning with great activities like cooking, art, and sport

Kate Griffen

Head Teacher Campus